03-05-2023 Sunday Bulletin

神的故事,你的故事 God's Story, Your Story

(創世記 Genesis 12:1-4a, 詩篇 Psalm 121:1-8)

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 上主日舉行春季會員大會,61名會員出席,會中通過接納各部會2022年事工報告和2023年年度預算,感謝各位會員的參與。The spring congregational meeting was held last Sunday with 61 attendees, and the 2022 ministry reports and 2023 annual budgets were accepted. Thank you for your participation.
  2. 本主日開始,”讓全世界都知道”系列影集將在主日崇拜之後重新推出,請兄姐留步在大堂觀賞影片,之後一同午餐交誼。Starting from this Sunday, the “That the World May Know” series will be played after the worship service. Brothers and sisters are invited to stay in the lobby to watch the videos and then have lunch together.
  3. 繼續在大齋節期的當中,鼓勵兄姊用靈修、禁食和默想來體驗主耶穌走上十字架的路程。During Lent, brothers and sisters are encouraged to use the spiritual practices of fasting and meditation to experience the journey of the Lord Jesus on the cross.
  4. 執事會因應土耳其和敘利亞地震的需要,由急難救助基金捐出兩千元透過美國長老教會來捐助災區的需要。長執會決定鼓勵兄姊來為此奉獻,有感動者請在支票上註明為震災,教會將集中款項共同寄出,希望透過大家小小的力量帶來鼓勵和幫助。In response to the Turkey-Syrian earthquake, the Deacon Council has donated $2,000 from the Emergency Relief Fund through the American Presbyterian Church. The committee has also decided to encourage brothers and sisters to contribute to this cause. If you are so moved, please indicate on the check that your offering is for the earthquake disaster. The church will send the funds together to bring encouragement and financial help through everyone’s contribution, however small.
  5. 下週日日光節約時間開始,請在禮拜六晚上將時鐘調快一小時。Daylight Saving Time begins next Sunday, please remember to set your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night.
  6. 由於今年氣候異常寒冷,原訂3月19日舉行的野外禮拜將延後到比較溫暖的月份,待日期確定後再通知。Due to the extremely cold weather this year, the outdoor service originally scheduled for March 19 will be postponed to a warmer month. All will be notified after the new date is confirmed.
  7. 4月教會事工和活動 April Events:
    • 4/2 棕樹節主日 Palm Sunday
    • 4/7 受難日 Good Friday
    • 4/9 復活節主日 Easter Sunday
    • 4/15 G-Coffee 福音活動 G-Coffee Event

代禱 Intercession

  1. 為土耳其和敘利亞地震的救援、對需要者的安置和災後重建。Pray for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, for relief and post-disaster reconstruction.
  2. 為復活節期的預備,兄姊靈命上的體驗和教會活動的需要和準備代禱。Pray for the Easter preparations, our brothers and sisters’ spiritual experiences, and the needs and preparations of upcoming church activities.
  3. 為天氣寒冷和感冒季節當中,兄姊的身體健康代禱。Pray for the health of our brothers and sisters during this cold weather and flu season.

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