11-10-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「還我聖殿榮耀 Still My Temple Glory」
許明遠 牧師
哈該書 Haggai 2:1-9
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 上主日舉行秋季會員大會,會中順利改選長老、執事、查帳委員和提名委員,請為新的長執同工代禱。
長老三位: 邱瑜嫩 (3), 莊富盛 (3), 蕭錫恩 (3) 執事四位: 廖頌慈 (1), 王子銘 (2), 李郁文 (3), 蔡威傑 (3) 查帳委員: 李秀芳、王孜敏 / 提名委員: 陳幸生、林幼麗 - 11月16日本週六早上十點姊妹團契聚會,由潘淑姃長老主理,會中將改選明年度的會長,請兄姊參加並關心代禱。
- 成人主日學從今天開始,在觀賞影片之後將有兩組小組以英文和中文討論的方式進行,台語組仍在禮拜堂,歡迎兄姊加入不同語言的小組上課。
- 11月23日禮拜六在教會舉行長執同工事工研討會,請所有新、舊任長執和團契同工參加,同時歡迎兄姊向牧師或小會同工提出您對教會事工的關心與建議。
- 11月24日中午有感恩節火雞大餐在教會,歡迎邀請親友一起來參加感恩禮拜和特別準備的火雞大餐,請在招待桌登記人數。當天成人主日學暫停一次,11點半開始午餐。
- 為迎接12月1日到24日的待降節,邀請兄姊或家庭參與主日敲鐘及宣召,有意者請向邱瑜嫩長老報名登記。
- 教會團體照都已經分發給登記的家庭,電子版在此http://gstpc.org/home/get/group-photo
- 許牧師下午兩點在喜信台灣基督長老教會証道。
- 為慶祝本會設教39年11月29-12月1日將舉辦聖經特會,將邀請周宏毅牧師來本會主講「你所讀的,你明白嗎?」,周牧師擅長啟發基督徒對聖經學習的熱情,歡迎邀請朋友參加。
- 代禱:請為陳順欽牧師、鄧淑貞長老、藍敏惠姊妹身體欠安代禱。
- <教會行事曆>
• 11/23 (週六) 長執同工事工研討會
• 11/24 (主日) 感恩節讚美禮拜
• 11/29-12/1 (週五—主日) 聖經特會
• 12/14 (週六) 聖誕音樂饗宴
• 12/22 (主日) 聖誕節讚美禮拜
• 12/26-28 (週四—週六) EM Winter Retreat
1. Last week during our fall congregational meeting, the elders, deacons, auditors and nominating committees were successfully re-elected. Please pray for the new co-workers. Elders: Naomi Chiu (3), Joseph Chuang (3), and Eric Hsiao (3) Deacons: Esther Liao (1), Jeremy Wang (2), Christina Lee (3), and Wei-Jei Tsai (3) Auditors: S.F Lee and Lisa Takasugi Nominating committee: Shin-Shen Chen and Judy Huang
2. On November 16th (Saturday) at 10am, the Sisters’ Fellowship, led by Elder Pan, will elected their new president for next year. Brothers and sisters are invited to participate and to intercede.
3. Adult Sunday School begins today. After watching the film, there will be the two discussion groups (English and Taiwanese/Mandarin). The Taiwanese group will still be in the sanctuary. All brothers and sisters are welcomed to join.
4. On November 23 (Thursday), there will be a seminar at church about 2020 ministries planning and discussion . All new elected and current elders, deacons, and fellowship leaders were invited to participate. Brothers and sisters are also invited to share your concerns and suggestions about our church ministry to the pastor and fellow colleagues.
5. There will be a special Thanksgiving turkey lunch on November 24th (Sunday) at the church. Friends and relatives are welcomed to come! Please register at the reception desk. That day, there will be no adult Sunday school and lunch will start at 11:30am.
6. To welcome the upcoming season, brothers and sisters or families are invited to participate in ringing the bell before the service. If you are interested in ringing the bell on one of the Sundays between December 1st to the 24th, please register with Elder Naomi.
7. Church group photos have been distributed to registered families. Electronic version: http://gstpc.org/home/get/group-photo/
8. Pastor Hsu will preach at TPC JOY at 2pm today.
9. To celebrate GSTPC’s 39th year anniversary, inspiration speaker Rev. William Chou has been invited to give a special seminar on Bible studying “Do You Understand What You Are Reading?” on 11/29-12/1. Admission is free, all are welcomed to attend.
10. Intercession: Please pray for the health of Pastor Mark Chen, Elder Su-Tsuen Tun, and Mrs. Carol Lin.
11. < Church Calendar >
• 11/23 (Saturday) Leadership Training & Ministry Workshop
• 11/24 (Sunday) Thanksgiving Day Service
• 11/29-12/1 (Friday-Sunday) Bible Reading Conference
• 12/14 (Saturday) Christmas Music Concert
• 12/22 (Sunday) Christmas Worship Service
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
“On that day, declares the Lord of hosts, I will take you, my servant…and make you
like a signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the Lord of hosts.”
(哈該書 Haggai 2:23)