09-17-2023 Sunday Bulletin

有福氣的人生 A Blessed Life
(使徒行傳 Acts 20:32-38, 詩篇 Psalm 133)
胡淑貞牧師 Rev. Hu
消息報告 Announcements
- 歡迎台灣玉山神學院胡淑貞牧師,現任神學院校長特助,來本堂講道及報告,請兄姊為玉山神學院的事工關心代禱。We welcome Rev. Hu from Taiwan’s Yu-Shan Theological Seminary for her sharing. Please pray for the ministry at the seminary.
- 牧師休假9月13-28日,願上帝祝福有充分的休息,牧師休假期間若會有需要幫忙請聯絡邱長老或任何一位長老同工。Rev. Hsu will be on vacation from September 13-28. May God bless him with sufficient rest. If you need help during that time, please contact Elder Naomi or any elder.
- 下主日教會慶祝中秋節,黃德利牧師來本堂講道,當天有加菜和月餅,歡迎兄姊邀請親友一同參加。We are celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival on 9/24 and Rev. David Huang would be preaching that day. There will be extra dishes and mooncakes, and all are invited to join.
- 9月30日-10月1日TPC聯合靈修會,今年邀請莊雅棠牧師主講,主題「重建與復興」,9/30在Irvine教會舉行, 10/1在本堂聯合主日崇拜,有網路同步直播,詳細內容貼在公佈欄,歡迎兄姊踴躍參加。TPC’s joint conference is from 9/30 to 10/1 (Saturday-Sunday). Pastor Chuang will be sharing on “Reconstruction and Revival.” Saturday’s event will be held at Irvine and the joint Sunday service at our church. The conference will be live streamed and more details are on the bulletin board. Brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
- 本月姊妹團契聚會請參加TPC聯合靈修會。Sister’s Fellowship will be joining the TPC joint retreat this month.
- 本會在宣教事工上支持的台灣手語教會在進行建堂,即將完工,目前經費仍有台幣155萬的需要,詳細說明在公佈欄上,請關心代禱。The Taiwanese sign language church we support has almost completed building a new church. Currently, $1.55 million NTD of funds is still needed. Details are on the bulletin board. Please pray for them.
- 英語事工部 在9月22-23日將參加在Biola University的Reality Apologetics Conference,主題「Man or Maker」,請代禱。EM is attending Reality Apologetics Conference at Biola University on9/22-9/23. The theme is “Man or Maker,” and please keep them in prayer.
- 下一季服事登記表在招待桌上,請踴躍參與主日招待。The usher sign up sheet for the next quarter is available on the reception table, please participate with us in the Sunday reception.
- 第四季主要事工和活動 Fourth Quarter Events:
- 9/30-10/1 TPC 聯合靈修會 TPC Joint Conference
- 10/15 秋季會員大會 Autumn Congregational Meeting
- 11/4 長執同工訓練會 & 事工計畫 Coworkers Training & Ministry Planning Meeting
- 11/5 日光節約時間結束 End of Daylight Savings
- 11/19 感恩節主日 Thanksgiving Sunday
- 12/3 教會43週年主日 GSTPC’s 43rd Anniversary
- 12/24 聖誕節主日 Christmas Sunday
代禱 Intercession
- 為明年長執改選, 提名委員會開始提名的工作, 求上帝揀選祂要使用的工人。Pray for the nomination committee as they start the process for next year’s coworkers, that God will choose the people He will use.
- 為第四季主要事工和活動代禱。Pray for our upcoming events.
- 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.