08-13-2023 Sunday Bulletin

使我成為祝福 Make Me a Blessing
(馬太福音 Matthew 9:35-38)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 週六上午十點姐妹會和G-Coffee合辦 “教大家做牛軋糖”, 歡迎參加, 請事先向Eric或Monica報名以利材料準備。 At 10:00 on Saturday morning, the Sister fellowship and G-Coffee will co-host “Making Nougats”, welcome all to participate, please register with Eric or Monica in advance for material preparation.
- 8 月 27 日主日舉行聖餐和洗禮,若是要洗禮加入教會,請向牧師或邱長老報名,請兄姊預備心和主一同坐席。 There will be communion and baptism on August 27 (Sunday). If you would like to be baptized, please register with the pastor or Elder Naomi. Please prepare your hearts to observe the sacraments.
- 8月27日禮拜後主日學時間將舉辦聯誼活動,透過精彩活動、益智遊戲、有獎徵答,增進兄姊彼此的認識與互動,歡迎留步參加。 On August 27th, there will be fellowship activities during the Sunday school hours after the church service. Through exciting activities and puzzle games to allow to know each other better. All is welcome to join us.
- 教會圍籬工程,廠商準備材料中,工程費用約5萬元, 請兄姐代禱及奉獻。 For church fencing project, materials are being prepared by the contractor, the estimated cost is about $50,000. We invite all brothers and sisters to pray and support this project.
- 請為夏威夷Maui野火造成至少80人遇難,將近千人下落不明,以及颱風造成台灣、中國、韓國災情及傷亡禱告。 Please pray for the wildfire that caused more than 80 lives lost in Maui, Hawaii. Nearly a thousand people are missing. Typhoon is causing also disasters and casualties in Taiwan, China, and South Korea.
- 第三季暑期事工 Third Quarter Events:
- 8/19 G-Coffee
- 8/27 歡迎新朋友 Newcomers’ Welcome
- 9/3 TPC交換講台 TPC Podium Exchange
- 9/17 玉山神學院主日 Yu-Shan Seminary Service
- 9/30–10/1 TPC聯合靈修會 TPC Joint Retreat
代禱 Intercession
- 請繼續為參加兒童夏令營的孩子禱告, 願上帝救贖的恩典和愛在他們心中成長。Please continue to pray for the children who were in the summer camp; may God’s saving grace and love grow in their hearts.
- 為暑假期間教會兒童和年青學生的事工和活動代禱。Pray for the church’s ministries for children and young students during the summer break.
- 求神復興教會,長執及兄姊同心合意,委身於禱告、傳揚福音、並彼此相愛,追求「在主裡建造、在愛中興旺」的目標。Pray for our church revival, that we all be of one mind, commit ourselves to prayer, spread the gospel, love each other, and pursue the goal of “building in the Lord and thriving in love.”
- 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、高滿紀、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Brother Ku, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.