07-23-2023 Sunday Bulletin

在生活中重 新發現神的話語

Rediscovering the Word of God In Our Lives

(王下 2 Kings 22:1-20)

林雍肇宣教師 Brother Frank Lin

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 感謝Frank Lin宣教師今主日的信息,願上帝祝福全家在巴西偏鄉的宣教事工。We thank brother Frank Lin for his sharing today. May God bless his family’s mission work in Brazil.
  2. 兒童夏令營 Jesus: My Savior and Friend 將於 7/31 – 8/4 舉辦。請為同工的準備工作以及小朋友能全程參加並領受福音代禱。Our summer VBS “Jesus: My Savior and Friend” will be held at our church 7/31 – 8/4. Please pray for the coworkers’ preparations and for the children who are coming to receive the gospel.
  3. 第三季暑期事工 Third Quarter Events:
    • 7/31–8/4 兒童夏令營 VBS Summer Camp
    • 8/19 G-Coffee
    • 8/27 歡迎新朋友 Newcomers’ Welcome
    • 9/3 TPC交換講台 TPC Podium Exchange
    • 9/17 玉山神學院主日 Yu-Shan Seminary Service
    • 9/30–10/1 TPC聯合靈修會 TPC Joint Retreat

代禱 Intercession

  1. 為暑假期間教會兒童和年青學生的事工和活動代禱。Pray for the church’s ministries for children and young students during the summer break.
  2. 求神復興教會,長執及兄姊同心合意,委身於禱告、傳揚福音、並彼此相愛,追求「在主裡建造、在愛中興旺」的目標。Pray for our church revival, that we all be of one mind, commit ourselves to prayer, spread the gospel, love each other, and pursue the goal of “building in the Lord and thriving in love.”
  3. 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、高滿紀、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Brother Ku, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.

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