07-04-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 摩西最後講的三個故事 The Last Three Stories Moses Told 」
申命記 Deuteronomy 30:15-20
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 加州已經全面解封,但是 Delta 病毒再起,美國每天為保護兄姊健康,建議在室內仍配戴口罩和盡可能保持社交距離,在戶外則不受此限,自行決定,求上帝幫助儘快恢復正常生活。California has officially reopened, but the Delta variant has been on the rise. Protect the health of our brothers and sisters by wearing your masks indoors; outdoors are not subject to this restriction. Make your own decision and pray that God would return life to normalcy soon.
- 鼓勵兄姊在禮拜結束後,休息5分鐘,在大餐廳或是網路上一起參加讀經聚會。We encourage our brothers and sisters to take a 5-minute break after the end of the service and to join the Bible reading together in the back dining area or online.
- 教會在著手準備設堂40週年慶祝的電子紀念冊,將在年底出刊,Vickie長老將率領同工開始向兄姊邀稿,你可以寫一篇文章、錄一段話、甚至唱一首歌,讓我們都貢獻一點點來表達上帝在你身上的恩典。We are preparing an online commemorative album to celebrate GSTPC’s 40th anniversary, and will be published at the end of the year. Elder Vickie is leading and invites brothers and sisters to contribute in articles, recordings, or even singing a song.
- 英語事工目前與牧谷教會青年每週五晚上有聯合聚會,歡迎年輕人加入,請聯絡 Tina 執事。English Ministry currently joins Shepherd of the Valley church every Friday night for fellowship. Youths are welcome to join, please contact Deacon Tina.
- 姊妹團契目前以網路方式聚集,希望七月第三週六可以回到教會聚會。七月實體聚會將邀請孟芬 Monica主理,主題是與疫情有關的資訊,歡迎兄姊參加。Sisters’ Fellowship has resumed meetings online, and the first in-person gathering on July 17th (Sat) will be led by Monica with epidemic information; brothers and sisters are welcomed to join.
- QT小組每月的第二和第四個星期五晚上八點線上聚會,目前由牧師帶領查考雅各書。QT meets online at 8pm every second and fourth Friday of the month; currently, the pastor is leading the study on the book of James.
- 葡萄樹團契暑假放假了, 九月恢復聚會。 Vineyard Fellowship has currently stopped meeting for the summer and will resume in September.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 本會短宣隊錄製網上課程來提供給台灣需要的教會來使用,請為短宣隊信心長老和英語事工的年輕人投入此事工來代禱。Pray for our EM and STM team as they record online courses for churches in Taiwan to use.
- 繼續為台灣疫情代禱,能在取得疫苗和施打疫苗上獲得順利。Continue praying for the epidemic situation in Taiwan, that their vaccination process will be smooth.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters in poor health, for “upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.”