06-28-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 最小的誡命 The Smallest Commandment 」
許明遠牧師 Pastor Hsu
馬太福音 Matthew 22:34-40
消息報告 Announcements
- 由於美國加州疫情依然險峻,確診人數持續增加,小會決定將實體聚 會日期延後至 9月 6日,這段期間將持續觀察疫情發展,若有任何新 的決議,會盡快通知會友。Because of the current uncertainties and rising epidemic cases in California, the session has decided to postpone our church reopening until September 6. During this time, they will continue to observe any changes and developments on the epidemic. If there are any new decisions, our brothers and sisters will be notified as soon as possible.
- 本會將繼續參加 TPC聯合主日禮拜及週間聚會至八月底,鼓勵會友在 安全無虞情況下,兩個家庭一起收看主日禮拜聯播,藉此機會互相探 訪和分享代禱。Our church will continue to participate in the TPC joint Sunday service and weekday gatherings until the end of August, and encourage our brothers and sisters to fellowship together through the Sunday service and pray together.
- 感謝神,上週六有約有二十位兄姊,回到教會清潔及整理環境,謝謝 他們的辛勞。Last Saturday, about twenty brothers and sisters went back to church to clean up, and we thank God for their safety and for their hard work.
- 為美國疫情持續擴散迫切代禱,求主憐憫,讓疫情能早日得到控制。Continue praying about the epidemic in the US, and ask the Lord for mercy so it can be brought under control as soon as possible.
- 教會奉獻方法如下: (若有任何問題, 請聯絡 Henry Liao 或 Julia Wang)
Offering methods: (please direct all questions to Henry Liao or Julia Wang)
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (for mailing checks only, NO CASH please)
Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
PO Box 669
Temple City, CA 91780-0669 - 線上奉獻 (Zelle Online donation)
Email: 606gstpc@gmail.com
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (for mailing checks only, NO CASH please)
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- TUE (6/30) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Café (夠尚優耀牧師、呂玉美牧師 )
- WED (7/1) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (Julia Wang 長老)
- THU (7/2) 11:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun (孫偉志老師)
- SUN (7/5) 10:00am 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (謝信光牧師)
- SUN (7/5) 11:15am 成人主日學—登山寶訓 Adult Sunday School: Sermon on the Mount (李洋誌牧師)