06-21-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 此人怎樣? What About Him? 」
張宣信牧師 Pastor Chang
約翰福音 John 21:13-23
消息報告 Announcements
- 歡迎大家參加主日禮拜及週間聚會,請多多轉傳 link 邀請主內兄姊或慕道友觀賞。We welcome all to join us through live stream for Sunday Worships and weekday events. Please share the links to encourage brothers and sisters to tune in and non-church goers are welcomed as well.
- 預定 (7/5) 恢復主日聚會,相關調整及規定請參閱homecoming guideline,教會同時提供網路直播,不方便出門的兄姊,可以在家同時參加網路禮拜。Our church’s Sunday service is scheduled to resume on 7/5. For all adjustments and regulations, please refer to the homecoming guidelines. The church will also continue providing live broadcasts for our brothers and sisters who are inconvenienced to stay at home.
- 本週六有一群兄姊回去教會清掃,求主保守服事同工一切平安。 A group of brothers and sisters went to clean up the church this past Saturday, pray that the Lord keep all the coworkers safe and healthy.
- 為美國疫情持續擴散迫切代禱,求主憐憫,讓疫情能早日得到控制。Continue praying about the epidemic in the US, and ask the Lord for mercy so it can be brought under control as soon as possible.
- 教會奉獻方法如下: (若有任何問題, 請聯絡 Henry Liao 或 Julia Wang)
Offering methods: (please direct all questions to Henry Liao or Julia Wang)
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (for mailing checks only, NO CASH please)
Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
PO Box 669
Temple City, CA 91780-0669 - 線上奉獻 (Zelle Online donation)
Email: 606gstpc@gmail.com
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (for mailing checks only, NO CASH please)
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- TUE (6/23) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Café (胡忠銘牧師)
- WED (6/24) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (李怡靚長老)
- THU (6/25) 11:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun (Teacher Sam Sun)
- SUN (6/28) 10:00am 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (許明遠牧師證道)
- SUN (6/28) 11:15am 成人主日學—登山寶訓 Adult Sunday School: Sermon on the Mount (郭東緒牧師)