06-20-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 被遺忘的父親 The Forgotten Father 」
馬太福音 Matthew 1:18-25
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 加州在6月15日已經全面解封了,也還是要在日常中小心照顧自己,求上帝幫助我們能快快恢復正常生活。California has officially reopened on June 15th, but continue to take care of yourself and others, and ask God to help us to return to normalcy soon.
- 教會已恢復實體禮拜,邀請兄姊盡可能 回到教會聚會,大家可以有更多交誼; 在這段期間,教會同步提供網路禮拜。We have resumed in-person worship. Brothers and sisters are invited to physically return to church for fellowship; the online worship services will still be held at the same time.
- 今天天氣炎熱,禮拜後教會準備冰咖啡, 已分裝在杯子中, 請每人拿一杯。After service, the church has prepared iced coffee for everyone! Please take one cup per person.
- 本週日是父親節,願上帝祝福所有爸爸身體健康、恩典滿滿,教會準備一份禮物送給所有的父親。Happy Father’s Day! May God bless all fathers with good health and grace; the church has also prepared a gift for all fathers.
- 姊妹團契已經在上禮拜五早上恢復聚會,目前以網路方式聚集,希望可以很快回到教會聚會。Sisters’ Fellowship has resumed meetings online last Friday, and hopes to return to church for in-person gatherings soon.
- 教會長執決議以$500支持Sustaining Fire Ministry,此慈善單位支持並配送食物給受到Covid-19影響的弱勢家庭,請繼續為此事工代禱,若想要更多了解,可上網: https://www.sustainingfireministries.com The church session has decided to support the Sustaining Fire Ministry with $500. This charity organization supports and distributes food to families affected by Covid-19. Please continue to pray for this ministry. For more information: https: //www.sustainingfireministries.com
- 因為疫情的情況也在台灣肆虐,本會短宣隊一直沒有辦法成行,今年開始要錄製網上課程來提供給台灣需要的教會來使用,請為短宣隊信心長老和英語事工的年輕人來代禱。Because of the current epidemic situation in Taiwan, our short-term mission team is unable to go this year. However, they will be recording online summer camp courses for the churches in Taiwan to use. Please pray for the STM team and English Ministry.
- 教會在著手準備設堂40堂週年慶祝的電子紀念冊,將在年底出刊,Vickie刊長老將率領同工開始向兄姊邀稿,你可以寫一篇文章、錄一段話、甚至唱一首歌,讓我們都貢獻一點點來表達上帝在你身上的恩典。We are preparing an online commemorative album to celebrate GSTPC’s 40th anniversary, and will be published at the end of the year. Elder Vickie is leading and invites brothers and sisters to contribute in articles, recordings, or even singing a song.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 繼續為台灣疫情代禱,能在取得疫苗和施打疫苗上獲得順利。 Continue praying for the epidemic situation in Taiwan, that their vaccination process will be smooth.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters who are poor in health, “upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”