06-09-2024 Sunday Bulletin

靠信心而活 Living by Faith
(林後 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程:信仰要理問答 (台英兩組) 和主日信息回應分享,歡迎兄姊加入同成長受造就。We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (Taiwanese and English) and Sunday message sharing. All are encouraged to participate and grow together.
- 本週六6月15日早上十點姐妹會 由林孝誠長老主講「父」, 探討父親節的由來,聖經中對 父親的看法及詩歌分享, 歡迎兄姐參加。 This Saturday (6/15) at 10am, Sisters’ Fellowship will be meeting for a lecture by Elder Lin on “Father.” Brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.
- 下週日6月16日慶祝父親節, 在本會舉辦「兒童事工Open House 和園遊會」,活動中有許多遊戲, 手工和好吃的台灣家鄉味, 歡迎學生的家人並邀請 新朋友一起參加。 In addition to celebrating Father’s Day on June 16, we will also be hosting a “Children’s Ministry Open House and Party.” There will be games, crafts, and delicious Taiwanese food. We welcome all the children’s families and friends to join us.
- 感謝林娟芬老師在端午佳節,特地包粽子與大家分享,午餐時每人可拿一粒粽子,願上帝賜福她的愛心。We thank Teacher Lin for making rice dumplings in celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival. Everyone may take one sticky rice dumpling during lunch. May God bless her love and kindness.
- 今年暑期兒童夏令營「One Way」將於 8/8-8/10 (週四-週六) 舉辦,鼓勵兄姐主動積極邀請親友及社區中的孩子,藉著夏令營一同領受福音的祝福。早鳥報名費 6/30 前 $35,之後 $50,報名截止日7/15。請大家告訴大家。We are hosting a summer VBS with the theme “One Way” on 8/8-8/10 (Thursday-Saturday). Brothers and sisters are encouraged to actively invite relatives, friends, and children in the community to hear the gospel through this summer camp. Early bird registration fee is $35 before 6/30, $50 after that, and the final deadline is 7/15.
代禱 Intercession
- 為8月8日到10日教會舉行VBS暑期主日學,求上帝預備要來參加的學生。Pray for the summer VBS on August 8-10, that God will prepare the hearts of the children who will be attending.
- 為8月31日到9月2日Labor Day 週末為期三天的教會家庭靈修會,願一切計畫和進行得上帝保守順利。Pray for the three-day family church retreat on Labor Day weekend from August 31- September 2.
- 為11月美國總統大選代禱,求上帝帶領掌權為美國選出一位合神心意的領袖。Pray for the U.S. presidential election in November, and ask God to lead our nation to elect a leader who follows Him.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.