06-04-2023 Sunday Bulletin

教會的使命 Mission of the Church
(馬太福音 Matthew 28:16-20)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 教會準備推動「為這城市尋求神–行走禱告」,已經兩週介紹及認識教會所屬的城市,今天禮拜後將實地操練屬靈禱告,藉由禱告尋找失喪的人,以基督的慈愛服事社區,邀請兄姊參加。The church is preparing for a prayer walk for the city, and we will practice what we have learned the past two weeks after the service. Brothers and sisters are invited to participate serving our community in love.
- 請兄姊踴躍參與主日服事,請在招待桌填寫下一季服事表。Brothers and sisters are invited to participate in church ministries together, sign up sheets for usher service is available on the lobby table.
- 下主日舉行聖餐,請兄姊準備心與主一同作席。We are observing communion next Sunday; please prepare your hearts to come before the Lord.
- 英文事工團契透過 Children’s Hunger Fund 在6/18舉辦捐助食物給需要的家庭的活動 EM 在下主日當中解釋如何進行。English Ministry is hosting a food drive with the organization Children’s Hunger Fund. They will explain more next Sunday and start the food drive on 6/18 (Sunday).
- 6月18日主日是父親節,歡迎闔家一起參加聚會和慶祝。當天也將慶祝並贈送畢業生禮物。June 18th is Father’s Day! All families are welcome to celebrate our fathers and graduates together.
- 7月16日將在Fullerton Craig Regional Park舉行野外禮拜, 中餐BBQ烤肉,歡迎邀請親友一起參加。Our field service and BBQ is on July 16th at Fullerton Craig Regional Park! We welcome brothers and sisters to invite their relatives and friends to join us.
- 兒童夏令營 Jesus: My Savior and My Friend從7/31至8/4 (週一至週五)。上午9:00到下午4:00。活動內容:唱遊、聖經故事、手工、遊戲、美食和新朋友。歡迎5至12歲的小朋友參加。費用 $50,即日起報名,6/15前早鳥優惠$35。詳情請洽王信心。Our church is having a children’s summer camp with the theme “Jesus: My Savior and My Friend” from 7/31 to 8/4 (Monday to Friday), 9am to 4pm. Activities include singing, Bible stories, crafts, games, food, and new friends. Children aged 5 to 12 are welcome to participate. The fee is $50, but the early bird fee is $35 if registered before 6/15. For details, please contact Elder Julia Wang.
代禱 Intercession
- 為教會增建圍籬工程代禱,求上帝為得標的廠家和施工公司都有很好的安排。Pray for our church’s fence project, that we choose the right design and construction company.
- 為社區行走禱告的事工代禱,為參與的兄姊負責的同工有智慧來預備,求上帝在我們的社區得著更多得救的靈魂。Pray for our prayer walk, wisdom in the preparations, safety of our brothers and sisters, and for the souls to be saved in our community.
- 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、高滿紀、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Continue to pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Sister Ku, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.
- 求神保守台灣、美國明年的總統大選,特別為美國槍枝氾濫、經濟、治安,以及台灣局勢的安全代禱。Pray for God’s protection on Taiwan and the United States in their presidential election next year, gun situation, economy, law and order, and safety.