05-24-2020 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 Sunday Sermon

「心靈誠實的敬拜  Honest Worship」

謝信中牧師 Pastor Hsieh

約翰福音 John 4:19-26


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 歡迎大家參加主日禮拜及週間聚會,請多多轉傳 link 邀請主內兄姊或慕道友觀賞。We welcome all to join us through live stream for Sunday Worships and weekday events. Please share the links to encourage brothers and sisters to tune in and non-church goers are welcomed as well.
  2. 下主日是「聖靈降臨節」, 蘇惠智牧師證道與主禮聖餐,請兄姊事先預備餅和杯。Coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, Rev. Ralph Su will deliver sermon and conduct the communion service. Please prepare bread and cup.
  3. 教會網站已經更新,歡迎兄姊上網 www.gstpc.org, 可點閱播過的節目, 特別感謝 Jeremy Wang 協助網站設計。Special thanks to Jeremy Wang for redesigning our website at www.gstpc.org. You can now view all our past events through the website. Please go and check it out.
  4. 小會成立 “Homecoming Task Force,” 成員有 Julia Wang (召集人)、Henry Liao, Naomi Chiu, 該小組將配合政府規定,研擬恢復實體聚會的配套計畫,歡迎兄姊提供相關資料或 建議。The Session has appointed Julia, Henry, and Naomi as the Homecoming Task Force for planning and preparation of our church reopening in the coming days. Please forward your thoughts and suggestions to the committee members.
  5. 六月份起新增兩個網路節目 Upcoming new events for June:
    (A) 主日早上 11:15-12:00 成人主日學(登山寶訓), TPC 牧師團輪流授課
    Sunday 11:15am-12:00pm, Adult Sunday School (Sermon on the Mount)
    (B) 6/5 (週五) 晚 8:00 播出「南加州 TPC 五十週年特別節目」,由黃德利牧師主持
    6/5 (Friday) 8pm – TPC 50th – A Special Tribute hosted by Rev. David Huang
  6. 暫停聚會至今, 收到奉獻四月份 $6,931.25、五月份 $11,170.51,感謝兄姊的關心與奉獻。Thank you for your financial support in the past couple of months. For April, we received a total of $6,931.25 from checks mailed in and via Zelle. For the month of May, through 5/26, we’ve received $11,170.51.

教會奉獻方法如下: (若有任何問題, 請聯絡 Henry Liao 或 Julia Wang)

Offering methods : (if there are any questions, please contact Henry Liao or Julia Wang)

    • 支票郵寄教會信箱 (For mailing of checks only, no CASH please)
      Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
      PO Box 669
      Temple City, CA 91780-0669
    • 線上奉獻 (Zelle Online donation)
      Email: 606gstpc@gmail.com


教會行事曆 Church Calendar

    • TUE (5/26) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Cafe
    • WED (5/27) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night
    • THU (5/28) 10:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun
    • SUN (5/31) 10:00am 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service

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