04-10-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 像耶穌一樣 Just Like Jesus 」
腓立比書 Philippians 2:5-11
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 請繼續在40天的大齋節期中一起來思考「你願為主捨棄嗎?」並親身力行。Please continue to think about “What Should You Give Up for the Lent 2022“ together during the 40 days of Lent and observe it.
- 本主日是棕樹枝主日,也是受難週的第一天,紀念耶穌騎驢進入耶路撒冷城,將受難並完成上帝的旨意走上十字架。This Sunday is Palm Sunday and the first day of Passion Week, and we remember Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem to be crucified and to complete God’s will on the cross.
- 禮拜五受難日聯合禮拜晚上八點將在本會舉行,網路也將同步撥放,歡迎所有兄姊參加實體或是網路禮拜來紀念主耶穌為我們的受難和受死。在家參加網絡聚會的兄姊,請事先準備餅與杯。The joint Good Friday service (4/15) will be held at our church at 8pm and will also be on livestream; all brothers and sisters are welcome to participate in-person or online to commemorate the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus for us. Brothers and sisters who are participating online, please prepare bread and cups at home.
- 下主日是復活主日,請邀請親友一同來參加慶祝主耶穌復活的日子。Next Sunday is Easter Sunday! Please invite your relatives and friends to join the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
- 復活節主日禮拜中有 追思過往親人的時間, 請帶一盆百合花來代表思念。During the Easter service, there will be a time to commemorate those who have passed; please bring a pot of lilies in remembrance.
- 5月8日主日是母親節,歡迎邀請媽媽來參加教會的崇拜和慶祝的主日。May 8th (Sunday) is Mother’s Day. All mothers are welcomed to come for worship and celebration.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 持續為俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭的戰爭代禱,求上帝憐憫無辜百姓的生命,上戰場的士兵和逃離烏克蘭的難民,讓這場戰爭盡快平息。Continue to pray for Russia’s war against Ukraine, and ask God for mercy on innocent lives, the soldiers in the frontlines, and the refugees who are fleeing Ukraine, and for this war to end as soon as possible.
- 為教會週間網路聚會禱告 – 週三禱告會、週四早上查經團契和週五晚上QT查經。Pray for the church’s weekly online gatherings: Wednesday prayer meeting, Thursday morning Bible study, and Friday night QT Bible study.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or use the online worship.