02-25-2024 Sunday Bulletin

我的高台 My Tower
(創世記 Genesis 11:1-9 & 箴言 Proverbs 18:10-11)
王子銘弟兄 Brother Jeremy Wang
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日牧師赴洛杉磯教會講道及主持和會, 感謝Jeremy Wang 主日講道,求上帝祝福。Today our pastor is preaching at LA Church and conducting their congregational meeting. We would like to thank Jeremy Wang for sharing the message this week.
- 上主日召開春季會員大會, 會中接納2023年各部會簡報並通過2024年預算。Last week we had our congregational meeting. Departments gave briefing for 2023 and 2024 budget was accepted.
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程:信仰要理問答(台英兩組)和主日信息回應分享,歡迎兄姊參加一同成長受造就。Christian Education will start after service today with three classes: Study Catechism (Taiwanese and English) and a Sunday message sharing group discussion. Brothers and sisters are welcome to join one of the groups for growth and development.
- 下主日午餐後下午一點召開長執會, 請長執同工留步參加。Next Sunday there will be a board meeting at 1pm. Elders and deacons, please attend.
- 2月14日 起至 3月30日是2024年的大齋節期,美國長老教會總會特別預備「大齋節靈修指引」放在教會群組上, 邀請兄姊毎天靈修及默想。Lent is from February 14th to March 30th, and TPC has prepared a Lent devotional. It is posted in our LINE group chat and all are invited to read and pray daily.
- 教會查經班自本週三早上10:00在網路聚會,本季將查考「啟示錄」,今後每週三都有聚會, 歡迎兄姊參加。Our Bible study has started meeting online on Wednesday morning, studying the Book of Revelation. Brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
- 完成 2023 一年讀經計劃的弟兄姊妹請向牧師或長老登記領取証書。Brothers and sisters who have completed the 2023 one-year Bible reading plan, please let the pastor or an elder know to receive the certificate.
- 活泉團契將舉辦郵輪旅遊, 9/2-9/6 Royal Caribbean四夜 Catalina & Ensenada Cruise, 歡迎邀請親友一起參加此次活動, 有任何問題或報名請直接洽詢旅行社 Kevin 弟兄(626-838-3888). Living Springs Fellowship is organizing a Royal Caribbean four-night Catalina & Ensenada Cruise from 9/2-9/6. You are welcome to invite relatives and friends to participate in this event. Questions and registration, please contact Brother Kevin (626 -838-3888).
代禱 Intercession
- 為教會所在的Monterey Park鄰近社區禱告,求神賜福台語堂、英語堂、姊妹團契、年輕夫婦團契、兒童事工(VBS, Sunday School)、G-Coffee Ministry各項事工,開拓福音外展的機會,帶領更多人認識主。Pray for the church’s community in Monterey Park and ask God to bless the ministries of the Taiwanese Ministry, English Ministry, Sisters’ Fellowship, Young Couples’ Fellowship, Children’s Ministry (VBS, Sunday School), and G-Coffee Ministry; that we can open up opportunities for gospel outreach and lead more people to know Christ.
- 為教會宣教事工代禱:巴西原住民宣教、台灣手語教會,求神賜福他們的忠心服事。Pray for the church’s missionary work: Indigenous Brazilian Missions and Taiwanese Sign Language Church, and ask God to bless their faithful service.
- 為年底的美國總統大選禱告,求神興起行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心、與神同行的領袖,帶領美國走在神的道路。 Pray for the US presidential election at the end of the year. Ask God to raise up leaders who do justly, love mercy, have a humble heart, and walk with God to lead our country on God’s path.
- 求神醫治陳玉慧、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師,恢復身體的健康。Ask God to heal Sister Chen, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, and Teacher Lan.