02-12-2023 Sunday Bulletin

咱是有福的人 We Are the Blessed Ones

(馬太福音 Matthew 5:1-12)

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 禮拜六早上十點姊妹團契在教會聚會, 由林娟芬姊妹主理分享「生命列車」, 歡迎大家參加。Sisters’ Fellowship is meeting at church this Saturday at 10am, and Sister Lin is sharing about “The Life Train.” All are welcome to attend. 
  2. 2022年度個人奉獻報告已經完成,有需要者請會後在招待桌領取。Brothers and sisters who have not yet received their 2022 offering contribution report can pick it up at the reception table after the service.
  3. 2月26日禮拜後將召開春季會員大會,請各部會在2月19日之前將2022年度報告交給小會書記邱長老。Our spring congregational meeting will be held after the church service on 2/26. All leaders of ministries and fellowship groups, please submit your 2022 annual report to Elder Naomi before 2/19.
  4. 英文事工團隊的每週聚會改到禮拜六在教會舉行,三月開始每月有一次禮拜六將以輕鬆的方式聚集,歡迎所有講英文的兄弟姊妹參加,需要更多資訊,請聯絡Tina執事。English Ministry has changed their weekly Friday night fellowships to Saturdays at church. They are also hosting monthly Saturday hangouts starting from March and welcome all English-speaking brothers and sisters to join them! For more information, please ask Deacon Tina.
  5. 有兄姊奉獻兩箱口罩給教會,放在茶和咖啡桌的旁邊,禮拜後歡迎自由拿取。A generous brother and sister has donated two boxes of masks to the church; it is next to the tea and coffee table, you are welcome to take what you need after the service.
  6. 3月-4月教會事工和活動 March-April Events:
    • 3/12 日光節約時間開始 Daylight Savings Time Begins
    • 3/19 春季野外禮拜 Spring Field Service
    • 4/2 棕樹節主日 Palm Sunday
    • 4/8 受難日 Good Friday
    • 4/9 復活節主日 Easter Sunday
    • 4/15 G-Coffee 福音活動 G-Coffee Event

代禱 Intercession

  1. 為土耳其和敘利亞地震的救援、對需要者的安置和災後重建。Please pray for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, for relief and post-disaster reconstruction.
  2. 請繼續為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉弟兄的身體病痛和恢復代禱。Please continue to pray for Dr. Ho and Brother Ku for their recovery and health.
  3. 為今年兄弟姊妹專注在讀經、禱告和團契上追求與上帝和兄姊的關係。Pray for brothers’ and sisters’ Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship this year while pursuing their relationship with God and one another.

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