01-24-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「有誰知道呢?Who Knows? 」
約拿書 Jonah 3:1-10
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 小會訂於2/14召開春季和會,請長執同工和各團契會長,提出 2020 年事工報告,1/30前交給書記邱瑜嫩長老。There will be a spring congregational meeting on 2/14. Department and fellowship leaders are requested to submit their 2020 ministry reports and hand it in to Elder Naomi by 1/30.
- 主日上午10:00am舉行主日禮拜,請在會前15分鐘登入,預備心等候神;另外,小會決定每個月一次參加TPC聯合主日,每次聚會前將寄出通知及網站連結。Our Sunday services will be held at 10:00am; please get on 15 minutes beforehand to prepare your hearts. The session has also decided that we will join TPC’s joint worship once a month. Link will be given.
- 週三(1/27)晚上8:00 禱告會,歡迎兄姊參加。Prayer meeting this Wednesday (1/27) night at 8pm; brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.
- 下主日(1/31)將參加TPC聯合主日,請代禱。 We will be joining TPC’s service next Sunday (1/31).
- 教會於1月18日開始全教會讀經計劃 (Bible Reading Plans):
計劃 A:一年讀經一次 (請參閱教會月曆的讀經進度)
Plan A: Read through the Bible in one year (refer to church calendar)
計劃 B:兩年讀經一次 (讀經表公布在Line群組)
Plan B: Read through the Bible in two years (schedule posted in Line)
鼓勵兄姐一同參加,一起來經歷神話語裡面的安慰、勸勉與造就。We encourage everyone to participate together and experience the comfort, encouragement, and training in God’s Word. - 教育部在主日崇拜後11:00至11:30,將透過 Zoom邀請兄姐做夥出聲讀當日讀經進度,歡迎參加。 The Department Head of Education invites brothers and sisters to read the Bible aloud with others on Sundays 11:00am-11:30am after the service via Zoom.