01-12-2025 Sunday Bulletin

災難過後,上帝近倚 After Disaster, God Draws Near
(以賽亞書 Isaiah 43:1-7,路加福音 Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 禮拜後成人主日學的時間,將由牧師、長執同工分享各部門新年度的計畫,讓會友瞭解2025年教會整體的事工,同時歡迎會友分享或建議,邀請大家一起參加。During Christian education time after the service, our pastor, elders, and coworkers will share each department’s plans for this upcoming year so all members can understand the overall 2025 church ministry. Members are also welcome to share or make suggestions, and everyone is welcome to attend.
- 下午一點召開2025年度第一次長執會,請新任長執同工出席參加。Our first board meeting will be held today at 1pm. Elders and deacons, please attend.
- 下主日將舉行新年度新任長執和同工就任,請各位新任同工預備心出席。We will have our new coworkers’ installation next Sunday.
- 2月9日召開春季會員大會,會中將報告審查2024年度報告,請各部會同工將去年事工報告於2月2日前提交小會書記邱瑜嫩長老。Our church’s spring congregational meeting will be held on February 9th, and we will review 2024’s annual report. Each department’s leader, please submit last year’s ministry report to Elder Naomi before February 2nd.
- 洛杉磯大火災使得空氣污染很嚴重,住在受影響地區的兄姊,請注意以下事項 The LA fires has caused serious air pollution, so brothers and sisters who are living near the affected areas, please pay attention to the following:
- 減少出門的機會,若必須出外請戴口罩 Try not to go outside. If you must, wear a mask.
- 關緊門窗並打開空氣清淨機 Close all windows and turn on air purifiers.
- 多喝水保持水分 Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
- 多注意並查看空氣品質的變化 Check for changes in air quality.
代禱 Intercession
- 為洛杉磯山林大火波及燒毀數千棟房子也有人喪生,求上帝憐憫讓火勢能盡快獲得控制,保守安慰房屋財產受損和失去親人的家庭。The LA fires have destroyed thousands of homes and taken lives. Pray that God will have mercy on us and bring the fire under control as soon as possible; ask God to protect and comfort the families who have lost their loved ones.
- 新年度2025-2027 主題「造就門徒、世代傳承」,求上帝賜下祂的心意、異象和同心的同工一同來完成這些事工。The theme of the new year 2025-2027 is “Making Disciples and Passing on to Generations.” We ask God for His vision, heart, and coworkers to fulfill these ministries.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師、陳夏蓮長老,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Teacher Lan, and Elder Chen.