01-03-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「錯失的六英哩路 Missing Six Miles」
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
馬太福音 Matthew 2:1-12
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝上帝引導我們平安經過艱難的2020年,求祂帶領我們進入新的一年,全心交託仰望祂,倚靠主重新得力。We thank God for guiding us through the difficult year of 2020 safely; ask Him to continue leading us into the new year, trusting Him with all our hearts, and relying on Him for strength.
- 小會決定自一月份起有自己的禮拜,聚會時間是主日上午10:00am,同工會提早寄出網站連結,會前15分鐘即可登入,預備心等候神。Our session has decided to start our own services in January, held at 10:00am on Sunday mornings. Link will be sent in advance. Please go on 15 minutes before the service starts and prepare your heart for God.
- 本會2021年度主題:獻上活祭,心意更新。Our 2021 theme is “A Living Sacrifice, Transformed and Renewed.”
- 2021年服事團隊分工 2021 Coworkers: [names redacted]
- TPC訂於1/16(週六)上午10點於網路召開常委會。TPC has an online session meeting on 1/16 at 10am (Saturday).
- 財務組報告:各部門若要請款或報帳,請在1/10前向Henry長老申請,以便做年度結算。 If any department needs to request payment or reimbursement, please contact Elder Henry before 1/10 for annual settlement.