8-25-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「展開翅膀,飛到地極 Spread Your Wings and Fly」
許明遠 牧師
詩篇 Psalm 139:1-10
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 下主日中餐後舉行活泉團契例會,由牧師主持。
- 肢體關懷: 1) 藍敏惠老師因失智和身體虛弱暫時沒辦法來教會聚會,平時在家由女兒照顧,請兄姊代禱;2) 鄧淑貞長老目前在El Monte療養院,需要雇請一位台灣人基督徒,能夠每周2-3次去幫忙,若是兄姊有知道適合的人選,請告知廖蓓理長老。
- 9月28 日舉行許明遠牧師就任好牧者教會第三任主任牧師授職禮拜, 中會會派牧師來主持典禮,本會也將邀請眾教會一起參與慶典,請為這此盛事代禱,願一切籌備和參與順利榮耀主名。
- 9 月 7 日週六 TPW 婦女聯合靈修會在好牧者教會舉行,會中將邀請陳獻義牧師主講「地上萬族因你得福」,歡迎兄姊參加。
- 9 月 7 日 TPC 常委會在好牧者教會召開,請牧師和常委出席。
- 9 月 15 日是 TPC 紀念主日,謝信中牧師來本會講道,本會牧師前往爾灣教會。
- 9 月 26 日-28 日世界台灣人基督教會聯盟 WATCC 年會將於在好牧者教會舉行,屆時將有來自世界各地的教會代表前來與會。請特別為大會的統籌安排代禱,也為黃德利牧師負責接洽聯繫事務代禱。
- 需要特別探訪及代禱的個人或家庭,請與關懷組廖長老或許牧師娘聯絡,以便安排探訪時間。
- 平時若有事情通知或聯絡,許牧師手機 714-276-7519,周美玲牧師娘手機 714-787-7155。
- Living Spring Fellowship will have a brief meeting next Sunday (9/1).
- Pastoral care: 1) Please keep Mrs. Coral Lin’s health condition in your
prayers, as she is not able to join us in person but is taken care of by her
daughter; 2) Elder Su-Tsuen Tun is currently in a nursing home in El
Monte, and the family is looking to hire someone who can provide basic care 2-3 times a week, please see Elder Henry for more details. - Installation service for Pastor Ming Yuan Hsu to GSTPC will be held on
9/28 (Sat) at 2pm. Please pray for the preparation of this celebration. - TPW will have a joint retreat at GSTPC on 9/7 (Sat), 9am to 2:30pm
- TPC committee will have a meeting on 9/7 (Sat). Pastor and representing Elders, please attend this meeting.
- On 9/15, Rev. Joshua Hsieh will be preaching here at GSTPC, and Pastor Hsu will preach in Irvine for the TPC Sunday pulpit exchange.
- World Alliance of Taiwanese Christian Churches (WATCC) will be
hosting its annual conference here at GSTPC on 9/26-9/28. Please pray for the event, and especially for Rev. David Huang, who is the key logistical contact person here in US. - For pastoral visitations or intercessory prayer needs, please contact Elder Henry or the pastor’s wife, Mrs. Hsu.
- Contact information for prayers or visitations: Pastor Hsu (714) 276-7519 / Mrs. Hsu (714) 787-7155
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me
(詩篇 Psalm 139:9-10)