7-7-19 SUNDAY Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「歡歡喜喜,興旺福音 Sharing the Gospel with Joy」
許明遠 牧師
腓立比書 Philippians 1:1-6
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 歡迎許明遠牧師夫婦,牧師正式7月1日正式上任好牧者教會的主任牧師,感謝上帝賜給我們久久期待的牧者,我們也當支持和扶持牧師所要進行的事工和計畫,請為牧師牧師娘祈禱在他們服事新的旅程上有上帝繼續引導。
- 為了歡迎和慶祝新牧師上任,執事會特別在午餐時間舉辦「歡迎一夏」剉冰甜品活動,感謝多位兄姊預備紅豆、花生、芋圓等讓大家享用,在歡樂的氣氛中歡迎我們的牧師。
- 暑期台灣短宣隊本週完成花蓮東昌長老教會(6/29-7/5),下週在阿里山茶山教會(7/6-7/13),請繼續為隊員身體、當地教會及參與的學生得著福音來代禱。
- 新一季的成人主日學將在禮拜結束休息後,一起在大堂欣賞短片 “讓全世界都知道”,透過聖地來暸解聖經。短片後分成台語組留在大堂,英文組在聖歌隊教室分享。
- 7 月 20 日禮拜六上午十點姊妹團契聚會邀請 Frank Lin 分享,歡迎兄姊踴躍參加。
- 黃德利牧師心臟瓣膜的手術成功完成,目前還在休養,請繼續代禱。 郭東緒牧師的身體恢復很好出乎醫生的意料之外,腎功能恢復正常不需洗腎也排除黃疸,體力漸漸恢復,感謝兄姊為郭牧師的代禱和奉獻。
- 北美華人基督徒教育大會將於 9 月 14 日週六全天在洛杉磯台福教會舉行。今天主題為“成為恢復神形象的人”,60 場精彩講座與裝備課程,鼓勵兄姐踴躍報名。詳情與線上報名網址請見佈告欄海報。
- 第三季的事工服事表已印好在招待桌上,請每家庭拿一張,也為著服事的兄姊代禱。
- Welcome Rev. and Mrs. Ming Yuan Hsu to GSTPC as our full time
pastor. Please pray for Lord’s guidance on our pastor’s family as they start their ministry here at GSTPC - To welcome our pastor, we will have a Shave ice party this afternoon . Big thanks to all who help to make this celebration possible.
- Taiwan Short Term Mission served at Hualien this past week and will
continue to serve in Alishan (7-6~7/13) this week. Please pray for the crew’s spiritual and body strength, and for that God’s Word will spread and be honored wherever they go. - 3rd quarter of equipping session starts today. We will be watching a
video series “That The World May Know” , a journey to the Holy Land
for better understanding of the Bible. We will have two separated
sharing classes (Taiwanese and English) after the video. - Sister’s Fellowship gathering on 7/20 (Sat.) Frank Lin will be the
speaker. - Rev. David Huang just had a heart valve replacement surgery. Please
continue to pray for a speedy and restful recovery. Rev. Thomas Kuo is in steady situation now and has been gradually recovering. His family wants to extend their appreciation on everyone’s
prayer and financial support. - Access Bible Convention will be held this year on 9/14 at EFCLA.
This year’s theme is “Restoring the Image of God”. Details information
And online registration please see the poster on bulletin board. - Third quarter ministry roster is ready at reception desk. Please grab a copy and pray for each other to walk in a manner worthy of the calling that God have given us.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為繼續為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊代禱。
Continue to pray for 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual and health of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
因為恁對頭一日到今,相及有份佇興起福音。 我也深信起頭做好的工佇恁的,欲成伊,到佇耶穌基督的日。
Because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
(腓立比書Philippians 1:5-6)