09-03-2023 Sunday Bulletin

祢的國臨到 Your Kingdom Come
(使徒行傳 Acts 1:4-8)
謝信光牧師 Rev. Frank Hsieh
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日TPC紀念主日,感謝第一長老教會謝信光牧師來本堂講道,請持續關心TPC事工。Today is the TPC podium exchange, and we thank Rev. Frank Hsieh from First Presbyterian Church for preaching today. Please continue to pray for him and TPC.
- 9月1-4日牧師受邀到 El Monte 恩典基督教會帶領靈修會,請代禱。Our pastor is leading a retreat from 9/1-4 at Grace Christian Church in El Monte. Please pray for him.
- 禮拜後提名委員會召開第一次會議,請委員留步參加。The nomination committee will be holding its first meeting after service today; members, please attend.
- 高滿紀姊妹的告別禮拜,訂於9月9日本週六早上九點在Rose Hills的Hillside Chapel舉行,請由17號門入口進入,詳細地圖在招待桌,請兄姊參加,並為高銘澄兄弟和全家代禱。Sister Ku’s memorial service will be held at Rose Hills’ Hillside Chapel on September 9 (Saturday) at 9am. Please enter from Gate 17, and the map is at the reception table. Brothers and sisters are invited to attend and pray for Brother Ku and his family.
- 每個禮拜三晚上八點是全教會網路禱告會,鼓勵兄姊參加一起同心禱告。Our online Wednesday prayer night is at 8pm. Brothers and sisters, come join and pray with us.
- 9月17日台灣玉山神學院胡淑貞牧師,現任神學院校長特助,來本堂講道及報告。On 9/17, Rev. Hu, assistant to the principal of Taiwan’s Yu-Shan Theological Seminary, will be preaching at our church.
- 9月30日-10月1日TPC聯合靈修會,9/30在Irvine教會舉行,10/1在本堂聯合主日崇拜,有網路同步直播,歡迎兄姊踴躍參加。TPC Joint Retreat will be held 9/30-10/1 (Sat-Sun); 9/30 will be at Irvine and 10/1 at our church. There will be live streaming, all brothers and sisters are welcome to participate.
- ABC基督徒教育大會9月16日9am-4pm網上特會「活出亂世中的門徒生命」,免費參加,詳情請看公佈欄。ABC Christian Education Conference will hold an online conference on 9/16 from 9am-4pm, “Living as a Disciple in a Troubled World.” Participation is free. More details on the bulletin board.
- 本會在宣教事工上支持的台灣手語教會在進行建堂,即將完工,目前經費仍有台幣155萬的需要,詳細說明在公佈欄上,請關心代禱。The Taiwanese sign language church we support has almost completed building a new church. Currently, $1.55 million NTD of funds is still needed. Details are on the bulletin board. Please pray for them.
- 9月2-4日Jeremy, Esther, Steven 受邀在一個營會中擔任老師,請代禱。Jeremy, Esther, and Steven have been invited to teach at a retreat from 9/2-9/4, please keep them in your prayers.
- EM 在 9月22-23日將參加在Biola University的Reality Apologetics Conference,主題「Man or Maker」若有興趣要參加,請在9月9日前向EM報名。On 9/22-9/23, EM is attending Reality Apologetics Conference at Biola University. The theme is “Man or Maker,” and if interested in attending, please contact any of the EM leaders before 9/9.
代禱 Intercession
- 為明年長執改選,提名委員會開始提名的工作,求上帝揀選祂要使用的工人。Pray for the nomination committee as they start the process for next year’s coworkers, that God will choose the people He will use.
- 為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、胡紹禎、藍老師以及身體欠安的兄姊代禱。Pray for Dr. Ho, Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Brother Hu, Teacher Lan, and all brothers and sisters who are in poor health.