5-5-19 Sunday Bulltin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「效法主的愛 Imitate God’s Love」
陳順欽 牧師
約翰福音 John 15:11-17
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝陳順欽牧師本主日來本會講道,願上帝祝福牧師身心靈勇壯、服事有力。蘇牧師今日前往恩惠教會講道。
- 禮拜後中餐時間TPC靈修會籌備小組開會,請所有參與同工出席。
- 禮拜六上午九點TPC召開常委會在柑縣教會,請牧師和代表長老出席。
- 下主日是母親節,教會有慶祝母親節和敬老的活動。當天有聖禮典,洗禮和聖餐, 請預備心與主同坐桌。
- 今年TPC靈修會(6/7~6/9),今天是早鳥報名截止日期教會補助大人每人$80; 7-12歲每人$55。今年度由好牧者來主辦,需要大家一起推動全程參與。禮拜五去程和禮拜日回程將為需要交通的兄姊安排接送,若是有需要請向許文凱長老登記。
- 暑期台灣短宣今年將服事花蓮東昌長老教會(6/29-7/5)以及阿里山茶山教會(7/6–7/13)。募款目標$8,500,目前奉獻達 $6,234,請兄姊繼續關心奉獻,也為課程準備、隊員訓練、當地教會招生及預備心來代禱。
- 週二Arcadia查經班將於5/14恢復聚會,由蘇牧師主理,邀請兄姐參加。
- 第二季裝備課程:1) 活潑的生命讀經分享(台語);2) How About Your Faith? 信仰座談(英語);3) 信仰要理問答(台語/英語)
- We thank and bless Rev. Mark Chen for sharing the word of God with us today. Soboksu is
preaching at Grace Taiwanese Presbyterian Church today. - TPC retreat preparation meeting at lunch time. Task team please attend.
- We will be celebrating Mother’s day next Sunday. Also next week we will have baptism sacrament and Communion. Please prepare heart to partake the Lord’s table.
- Fundraise for 2019 Taiwan Short Term Mission continues. Goal is set at $8,500 with $6,234 reached. This year we will be going to Hualien and Alishan serving two churches. Please pray for the team and the local churches.
- 2019 TPC joint retreat will be held 6/7~6/9. GSTPC is hosting it so please set aside your time to participate. Early bird special until 5/5: GSTPC will pay registration $80/adult and $55 child 7-12yrs. To encourage TPC retreat participation, GSTPC will help to provide transportation on
Friday and Sunday(6/7 & 6/9). Contact Elder WenKai if you need a lift. - 2nd hour equipping classes– a) Living Life QT sharing (in Taiwanese); b) How About Your
Faith (in English). Study Catechism ( In Taiwanese and English) will continue.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為好牧者今年六月主辦TPC聯合靈修會的籌備過程代禱。
GSTPC is hosting this year’s TPC retreat. Please pray for the planning and preparation.
● 請為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊靈性上的預備代禱。
For 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual preparation and development of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again.
(林後2 Corinthians1:10)