4-14-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「好牧者與我 Good Shepherd and I」
蘇惠智 牧師
路加福音 Luke 10:38-42
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 禮拜五受難節晚上八點在教會舉行受難禮拜,來紀念主為我們受苦、死,走上十字架的路程。
- 第二季裝備課程已經開始:1) 活潑的生命讀經分享(台語)2) How About Your Faith? 信仰座談(英語)3) 信仰要理問答(台語,英語) 繼續未完的課程。
- 活泉團契今日午餐後舉行例會,由許文凱長老主理, 歡迎兄姐參加聚會。 4月16日(二)於LA 植物園舉行健走活動,9:30am植物園門口集合,邀請兄姊一起來運動交誼。301 N. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007
- 4月20日(六)姊妹團契聚會十點開始在教會,請陳斐芬牧師娘主理,請兄姊參加。
- 下主日為復活節,兄姊可準備百合花追思親人,請於下主日禮拜前將百合花置於講台木十字架下。
- 4月21日復活節主日將舉行聖禮典,準備接受成人洗禮、幼兒洗禮、轉籍或堅信禮的兄姊或家庭,請與牧師或長老聯絡,也請兄姊在禱告中為此紀念。
- 暑期台灣短宣今年將服事花蓮東昌長老教會以及阿里山茶山教會。募款目標$8,500,目標達到一半,請兄姊關心奉獻,也為隊員準備以及當地教會代禱。
- 鼓勵兄弟姊妹踴躍報名參加今年的TPC靈修會(6/7~6/9),早鳥報名截止日期5/5 ,教會補助大人每人$80; 7-12歲每人$55。今年度由好牧者來主辦,需要大家一起來推動全程參與。禮拜五去程和禮拜日回程將為需要交通的兄姊安排接送,若是有需要請向許文凱長老登記。
- 喜信教會郭東緒牧師於今年一月開始覺得腹部疼痛,經由糖尿病專科轉診後,於上個月確診肝癌。右肝腫瘤為14X13 CM。TPW議決發起關懷捐款並鼓勵各教會及兄姊為郭牧師後續治療所需奉獻。
- Good Friday Service on 4/19 8pm @ GSTPC, let’s come together to commemorate the crucifixion of
Jesus and His death at Calvary. - 2nd hour equipping has 2 new classes a) Living Life QT sharing (in Taiwanese) b) How About Your Faith (in English). Study Catechism ( In Taiwanese and English) will continue.
- Fundraise for 2019 Taiwan Short Term Mission continues. The goal is set at $8,500 with half reached.
This year we will be going to Hualien and Alishan serving two churches. Please pray for the team and the local churches. - Easter Sunday—to commemorate your deceased loved ones on Easter, please prepare Easter lilies and
place under the wooden cross on Easter morning. - Easter sacraments— those who are ready to receive baptism, confirmation, or membership transfer, please contact Soboksu or elders.
- 2019 TPC joint retreat will be held 6/7~6/9. GSTPC is hosting it so please set aside your time to participate. Early bird special until 5/5: GSTPC will pay registration $80/adult and $55 child 7-12yrs. To encourage TPC retreat participation, GSTPC will help to provide transportation on Friday and Sunday(6/7 & 6/9). Contact Elder WenKai if you need a lift.
- Rev. Thomas Kuo of TPC Joy Church is recently diagnosed with liver cancer. TPC is helping to raise a
fund for Rev. Kuo’s medical treatments. Prayer support much needed.
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為好牧者今年六月主辦TPC聯合靈修會的籌備過程代禱。
GSTPC is hosting this year’s TPC retreat. Please pray for the planning and preparation.
● 請為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊靈性上的預備代禱。
For 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual preparation and development of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to
him, “Do you want to be healed?”
(約翰福音John 5:6)
友人 What Friends are for?
路加福音 Luke 11:1-13
禱詞要親切 Pray to our Abba Father God
態度要熱切 Pray persistently and continuously
方式要迫切 Pray Until Something Happened
關係定一切 Pray intimately with God for friends
父啊,願你的聖名受尊崇。 願你施行主權。 求你逐日賜阮所需要的食物。
求你赦免阮的罪, 因為阮家己嘛有赦免所有辜負阮的人。 求你姆通互阮陷落擔當勿會起的試探。
Father, may your name be honored; may your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And do not lead us into temptation. (NET)