2-26-17 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『神聖不滿足 Holy Unsatisfactory』
李洋誌 牧師
尼希米記 Ne 1:1-11
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 感謝李洋誌牧師今日證道,願主施恩賜福他的身心靈,家庭與學業。
- 春季會員大會決議事項:1)接納2016年各部會事工報告;2)接納2016財務報告;3)選出2017查帳委員兩名及提名委員兩名。
- 更正啟事:上週春季和會手冊傳道部台灣短宣報告遺漏短宣隊員Tina和Andrew,小會在此道歉更正。修訂過的的短宣報告已張貼布告欄。願神親自紀念他們手上的工。
- 2017第一季成人主日學於今日結束,感謝莊瑞陽醫師,莊守平及林孝誠長老的帶領。第二季成人主日學,3/5由莊守平長老主講“浪子回頭”,3/12至4/30由莊瑞芳長老主講“約書亞記”。鼓勵兄姊參加,同蒙造就。
- 活泉團契將今崇拜後舉行例會,由林孝誠長老主理。
- 代禱事項:
- 請為即將開始組成的聘牧委員會及成員代禱。
- 請為美國台灣鄉土兩地的領袖有神的智慧治理國家,成為國家的祝福。
- 請為教會異象,長執同工,團契,服事兄姊,宣教夥伴及年長肢體代禱。
- We thank and bless Rev. Lee for sharing the Word of God with us and preside over the Congregational Meeting today.
- Spring Congregational meeting resolutions: acceptance of 2016: 1) department reports 2) financial report 3) Nomination Committee report; and elect 2 auditors and 2 members of nominating committee.
- Correction: The Session apologies for not including Tina and Andrew in the 2016 STM report. Revised report is posted on bulletin board. My the Lord bless the work in their hands.
- Prayer request:
- For the upcoming Pastor Candidate Committee and its members.
- For God’s wisdom bestow on government leaders of Taiwan and US, that they will become a blessing to both countries.
- Your intercession is requested for church vision, church leaders, fellowship, Sunday ministry, mission partners and home-bound elderly.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 星期五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 星期日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
(詩 Ps 33:12)