2-11-18 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『什麼是榮耀的教會? What is a Glorious Church?』
李洋誌 牧師
以弗所書 Eph 5:23b-27, 29-30
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 長執會:禮拜後一點半召開,請長執留步參加。
- 成人主日學:第一季成人主日學今日已經結束,感謝莊守平長老帶領和教導,願主大大祝福。
- 大齋節期:禮拜三開始是今年的大齋節期,請兄姊在家中可以用禁食,讀經,祈禱來思念主耶穌為我們受死的極大恩典。
- 賀新正!禮拜四是除夕禮拜五初一,祝各位兄弟姊妹新年恭喜,願上帝祝福滿滿每一個家庭在新的一年領受更多恩典和豐盛!
- 春季會員大會將於下主日崇拜後立即召開,請在籍會員準備心參加,會員名冊已張貼在公佈欄,無法出席和會的會員,請提前向小會書紀請假。
- 代禱事項:為聘牧事工和聘牧委員會代禱,求主賜智慧給委員會來找尋合神心意的牧者。為宣教士:Frank Lin巴西宣教和楊一哲師母瓦邦宣教。為有病痛和年老的兄姊。為南美颶風災民,數萬人仍流離失所,家園殘破。
- Board Meeting will be held after service at 1.
- Lent: starts this Wednesday, by fasting, scripture reading, and praying we may remember the immense grace of our Lord Jesus who died for us.
- Lunar New Year’s Day comes this Friday, may God bless every family with more grace and abundance in the coming year.
- 2018 Spring Congregational Meeting will be held on 2/18. Members please prepare to attend. Roster has been posted on the bulletin board, please inform Elder Liao if you’re unable to attend.
- Prayer request: For pastor search and PNC, may God bestow wisdom in finding a pastor who’s after God’s own heart. For mission partners, Frank Lin in Brazil, and Linda Yang in Wa State Myanmar. Home-bound elderly and brothers and sisters in illness. For victims of hurricanes and earthquakes. Tens of thousands of people are still displaced.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 禮拜二查經組聚會
- 禮拜五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 禮拜日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
(出 Ex 19:6a)