12-15-2024 Sunday Bulletin


My Strength, My Song, My Salvation

(以賽亞書 Isaiah 12:1-6)

許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 待降節的第三個主日,我們要點燃第三根粉紅色的蠟燭,以此來象徵「喜樂」牧羊人喜樂宣揚主基督耶穌的降生。On this third Sunday of Advent, we light the third pink candle to symbolize the joy of the shepherds who joyfully proclaimed the birth of the Lord Christ Jesus.
  2. 本主日舉行聖禮典,恭喜所有接受成人和幼兒洗禮以及轉籍的兄姊,歡迎加入好牧者大家庭,願上帝繼續引導信仰的道路。We observed the holy liturgy this Sunday. We congratulate and welcome all the brothers and sisters who have received adult/infant baptisms and transferred citizenship. May God continue to guide you in the path of faith.
  3. 禮拜後將全教會火鍋聚餐,歡迎所有兄姊留步享用。After service, there will be a hot pot lunch for the whole church. All brothers and sisters are welcome to stay and enjoy.
  4. 成人主日學時間今日暫停一次。No Christian education classes today.
  5. 12月21日星期六下午兩點由本教會主辦「聖誕音樂嘉年華」,教會的聖歌隊、主日學、青年手鐘都會有表演,並且邀請第一長老教會的直笛團、南灣長老教會的聖歌隊表演,聯合詩班還會有羅蘭崗基督徒禮拜堂、羅省東區宣道會。There will be a Christmas music festival here at our church on December 21st (Saturday) at 2pm. Our church choir, Sunday school, and youth handbells will be performing, as well as the recorder choir from First Presbyterian Church, South Bay Presbyterian Church, Rowland Heights Community Christian Church, and San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church.
  6. 12月22日主日聖誕節讚美禮拜,會中詩班將獻唱 Pepper Choplin 聖誕清唱劇「I Hear the Prophet Calling」,中午有聖誕大餐,請邀請親友一同參加。During our Christmas Sunday service on December 22nd, our choir will sing Pepper Choplin’s Christmas oratorio “I Hear the Prophet Calling,” and there will be a special Christmas lunch. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. 
  7. 12月26-28日英文事工將於Vista舉辦冬季靈修會,主題「Who is Jesus?」請為帶領者和所有參加者代禱,有興趣更多了解內容,請洽 Tina 和 Esther。EM is having their winter retreat from 12/26-28 at Vista this year with the theme “Who is Jesus?” Please keep the leaders and all those attending in prayer. For more information, please ask Tina or Esther. 

代禱 Intercession

  1. 新年度2025-2027 主題「造就門徒、世代傳承」,求上帝賜下祂的心意、異象和同心的同工一同來完成這些事工。The theme of the new year 2025-2027 is “Making Disciples and Passing on to Generations.” We ask God for His vision, heart, and coworkers to fulfill these ministries.
  2. 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師、陳夏蓮長老,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Teacher Lan, and Elder Chen.

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