11-01-2020 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「醫治靈病的藥方 Remedy for Spiritual Illness」
蔡尚男牧師 Pastor Tsai
何西阿書 Hosea 14:1-9
消息報告 Announcements
- 感謝神,秋季和會於上週六順利完成,通過2021年度主題–獻上活祭、心意更新、長執延任一年以及2021年預算,求神繼續施恩保守。Praise God that our annual fall congregational meeting was successful last Saturday. We went through next year’s theme (A Living Sacrifice, Transformed and Renewed), staff position extension, and the budget for 2021. Pray that God will continue to show His grace and protection.
- 11月7日(週六)上午9:00-11:00舉行「長執同工訓練會」,邀請莊信德牧師主講,報名請使用下列網址https://forms.gle/EcMxErwWihfS99rBA,歡迎長執、同工、會友參加。TPC’s staff training meeting is this Saturday (11/7) from 9-11am, led by Pastor Chuang. Pastors and coworkers are all welcome to join and participate. Registration: https://forms.gle/EcMxErwWihfS99rBA
- 11月7日(週六)晚8:00召開長執會,請長執準時參加。Board meeting this Saturday at 8pm. Attendees, please be on time.
- 美國總統大選於週二結束,求神施恩保守,化解選舉時的對立和衝突,同心為新總統祈禱。The US presidential election ended on Tuesday. Pray for the new president, and for God’s grace and protection from opposition and conflicts during this time.
- 為COVID-19疫情的控制以及開發病毒疫苗的專家禱告,願神賜智慧給制定法律的官員,有效防止疫情擴散,並且讓商家與經濟得到復甦。 Pray for the experts dealing with the COVID-19 epidemic and the development of virus vaccines. May God give wisdom to the officials who are passing laws to prevent the virus spread and to allow businesses and the economy to recover.
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- WED (11/4) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (蔡威傑執事)
- FRI (11/6) 8:00pm QT 小組 (林幼麗姐妹)
- SAT (11/7) 9:00am TPC長執同工訓練會 (莊信德牧師)
- SUN (11/8) 10:00am TPC 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (陳柏志牧師)