10-31-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 揀選生命 Choose Life 」
申命記 Deuteronomy 30:15-20
馬約翰牧師 Rev. John McCall
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日是TPC聯合主日, 講員是馬約翰牧師,感謝馬牧師美好的信息。This Sunday we joined TPC’s joint service, and we thank Rev. McCall for his wonderful message.
- 牧師休假10月29日–11月4日, 這段時間若有任何事情, 請聯絡小會書記邱長老或是任何一位長老。The pastor will be on vacation October 29th to November 4th. Please contact Elder Naomi or any of the older elders if there are any questions or issues during that time.
- 禮拜後在分享小組的時間將用訪問的方式記錄兄姊對教會的看法,請兄姊留步參與受訪。After service, during sharing group time, brothers and sisters will be interviewed to record their views on the church. All are invited to stay and participate in the interviews.
- 11月14日主日禮拜後召開秋季會員大會,會中將通過明年主題和事工、預算和改選長執,請會員準備心參加。會員名單張貼在公佈欄,請兄姊查看,如果有需要調整還是要請假的,請告知書記邱長老。Our fall congregational meeting will be held after service on November 14. The theme, ministry, budget, and re-election of coworkers will be approved during the meeting; members are requested to participate. The member list is posted in the announcement column. Please inform Elder Naomi if you will be absent.
- 秋季會員大會長執提名名單 Nominations
長老: 黃義弘 (3)、王灼熒 (3)
執事: 廖頌慈 (3)
查帳委員提名: 李秀芳、王孜敏
提名委員提名: 高銘澄、林幼麗
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為新朋友能更多認識教會和弟兄姊妹,享受在主裡的愛。Pray for our new friends to know more about the church and all our brothers and sisters, and to enjoy the Lord’s love.
- 12月5日主日舉行教會40週年慶祝感恩禮拜。Please pray for our church’s 40th year anniversary service on December 5th.
- 本會短宣隊預計錄製五集的網上福音課程,免費提供給台灣偏鄉弱小教會支援當地兒童事工,目前開始錄製第四集,請為事工進行及錄製過程來代禱。Our church’s STM team is recording five sections for the online Bible curriculum, which will be freely distributed in Taiwan to support local children’s ministries; the fourth episode is currently being recorded, and please pray for the ministry and the recording process.
- 為身體欠安的兄姊禱告,「因祂受的刑罰我們得平安,因祂受的鞭傷我們得醫治。」Pray for our brothers and sisters in poor health, for “upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.”