09-08-2024 Sunday Bulletin

作個智慧人 Be a Wise Person
(箴言 Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程: 信仰要理問答 (英),主日信息回應 分享,和從古典音樂認識聖經的 故事「從黑人靈歌聊到白人靈歌」 (孫偉志),歡迎兄姊一起信仰造就。 We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (English), Sunday message sharing, and a “Bible Stories through Classical Music” class led by Brother Sam Sun – “From Black Spiritual Song to White Church Hymn.” All are encouraged to participate.
- 下午一點在教會召開定期長執會,請現任長執留步參加。Board meeting at 1pm today. Elders and deacons, please stay and attend.
- 9月15日TPC紀念主日交換講台,本會許牧師前往 Irvine 長老教會,第一教會謝信光牧師在本會講道,請代禱。On September 15th (Sunday), there will be a TPC podium exchange. Rev. Hsieh will be preaching here and our Rev. Hsu will be preaching at Irvine TPC. Please pray for them.
- 9月21日禮拜六下午四點在教會舉辦中秋烤肉活動,請會友邀約親友一同參加,小朋友們有「摩西的故事」電影活動一同慶歡樂。姊妹團契本月聚會請參加教會烤肉活動。On September 21st (Saturday), our church is hosting a Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ at 4pm. Relatives and friends are invited to participate. CM will be watching “Prince of Egypt” and Sisters’ Fellowship will join this event this month.
- 10月6日世界共同聖餐主日教會將舉辦野外禮拜在 Craig Regional Park in Fullerton,請邀請親友一同參加。World Communion Sunday is on October 6th and we will have our outdoor service at Craig Regional Park in Fullerton. Please invite relatives and friends to attend.
代禱 Intercession
- 為11月美國總統大選代禱,求上帝帶領掌權為美國選出一位合神心意的領袖。Pray for the U.S. presidential election in November, and ask God to lead our nation to elect a leader who follows Him.
- 為11月2日年度長執同工訓練會,為教會同工的裝備和明年事工的計畫代禱。Pray for our church’s annual coworkers training meeting on November 2nd and next year’s ministry plans.
- 為10月20日秋季會員大會,會中牧師將分享新年度的主題和異象,請代禱。Pray for our fall congregational meeting on October 20th, for next year’s theme and vision.
- 為第四季進入感恩節和聖誕節期許多事工的計畫和進行代禱。Pray for the planning and hosting of our fourth quarter ministries as we enter the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.