08-18-2024 Sunday Bulletin

你願我賜你甚麼? Ask What I Shall Give You
(列王記上 1 Kings 3:3-14)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 禮拜後成人主日學有三個課程: 信仰要理問答 (英),主日信息回應分享,和從古典音樂認識聖經的故事「從國歌變成教會聖詩」(孫偉志),歡迎兄姊一起信仰造就。We have three Christian Education classes after service: Catechism (English), Sunday message sharing, and a “Bible Stories through Classical Music” class led by Brother Sam Sun – “From National Anthem to Church Hymn.” All are encouraged to participate and grow together.
- 8月24(六)-25(日)是南加州TPC聯合靈修會,莊雅堂牧師主講「靈命的重建與更新—聖靈探秘」,請會友在下主日早上10:00來教會,一起參加TPC靈修會,同時有英文崇拜與兒童主日學,會後備有午餐,下午1:00繼續有第四堂專題(自由參加)。TPC’s annual conference is on August 24th-25th (Saturday-Sunday), and Pastor Chuang is sharing on “Reconstruction and Renewal of Spiritual Life – Exploration of the Holy Spirit.” We will still have our service at 10am, and the fourth session will be streamed in our sanctuary at 1pm after lunch.
- 8月23-24日舉辦EM Leadership Retreat,培育年輕一代教會領袖,傳承教會服事與傳福音的使命。EM’s Leadership Retreat will be held on August 23rd-24th to cultivate our younger generation of church leaders.
- 8/31-9/2是家庭靈修營,9月1日 教會沒有實體禮拜,請兄姊在早上10:00參加網路禮拜。Our church’s family retreat will be held on 8/31-9/2. There will be no church service at GSTPC on September 1st, but brothers and sisters are invited to attend the online service at 10am.
- 9月21日(週六)下午4:00舉辦中秋烤肉活動,請會友邀約親人、朋友一起參加。Our church is hosting a Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ on September 21st (Saturday) at 4pm. All are welcome to invite relatives and friends to participate.
- 教會的郵局信箱已經申請停用,郵件請直接寄到教會 606 S. Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754。Our church’s P.O. Box has been deactivated; please send mail directly to the church’s address: 606 S. Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754.
代禱 Intercession
- 為EM Leadership Retreat、家庭靈修會、中秋烤肉等聚會代禱,藉此增進會友關係。Please pray for EM’s Leadership Retreat, Family Retreat, Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ, and other gatherings.
- 為11月美國總統大選代禱,求上帝帶領掌權為美國選出一位合神心意的領袖。Pray for the U.S. presidential election in November, and ask God to lead our nation to elect a leader who follows Him.
- 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, and Teacher Lan.