08-02-2020 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 憑信心走向異境 Confidently Entering the Foreign Land」
黃德利牧師 Rev. David Huang
創世紀 Genesis 12:1–3; 希伯來人書 Hebrews 11:8–12
消息報告 Announcements
- 本週五早上10:00有「拉比分享小組」,針對「拉比食堂」的專題內容分享及討論,我們將透過Line Group進行,歡迎兄姊按鍵參加。This Friday at 10am, there will be a “Rabbi Sharing Group” where we will share and discuss thematic content from the week’s Rabbi’s Café. Brothers and sisters are welcomed to join the Line group to participate.
- 疫情期間關懷:兄姊若在生活或心靈上需要幫忙、代禱與關懷,請與許牧師或關懷組許文凱長老聯絡。 If any of our brothers and sisters need any help, intercession, or physical and spiritual care, please contact Pastor Hsu or Elder Wenkai Hsu for care during this epidemic.
- 為美國近日發生的遊行抗議及警民衝突禱告,避免陷入種族文化岐視,仇恨和暴力的惡性循環,求主保守美國疫情早日得以控制。Pray for the recent protests and conflicts between police and civilians in the United States, to avoid falling into the vicious circle of racial discrimination, hatred, and violence, and pray that the epidemic will be brought under control as soon as possible.
- 為年底美國總統大選代禱,求主興起行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與神同行的領袖,同時為美國醫療體系及醫護人員代禱,求神加添力量並保守他們平安。Pray for the U.S. presidential election at the end of the year, and ask the Lord to raise up leaders who lead with justice, mercy, and humility in their walks with God; also pray for the American medical system and medical personnel, and ask God to strengthen them and keep them safe.
- 教會奉獻方法如下: (若有任何問題, 請聯絡 Henry Liao 或 Julia Wang)
Offering methods: (please direct all questions to Henry Liao or Julia Wang)
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (mail checks only, NO CASH please)
Good Shepherd Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
PO Box 669
Temple City, CA 91780-0669 - 線上奉獻 (Zelle online donation)
Email: 606gstpc@gmail.com
- 支票郵寄教會信箱 (mail checks only, NO CASH please)
教會行事曆 Church Calendar
- TUE (8/4) 8:00pm 拉比食堂 Rabbi’s Cafe (鄭仰恩教授)
- WED (8/5) 8:00pm 禱告會 Prayer Night (廖蓓理長老)
- THU (8/6) 11:00am 山姆的聖詩音樂 Hymn Music With Sam Sun (孫偉志老師)
- SUN (8/9) 10:00am 聯合禮拜 Sunday Worship Service (謝信中牧師)
- SUN (8/9) 11:15am 成人主日學—登山寶訓 Adult Sunday School (謝信光牧師)