05-22-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 誰能使我們與神的愛隔絕呢?」
Who Shall Separate Us From the Love of Christ?
羅馬書 Romans 8:35-39
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本爾灣長老教會在上個主日下午發生槍擊事件,造成一死五傷,對此牧師有以下特別報告: Irvine TPC had a shooting incident last Sunday afternoon, causing one death and five injuries. The pastor has the following special report:
- 牧師已經聯絡Monterey Park Police Department,每個主日上午9:45-12:00聚會時間,警方將派員加強巡邏保護。The pastor has contacted the Monterey Park Police Department, and they will dispatch personnel to strengthen patrol protection during our service from 9:45am to 12:00pm every Sunday.
- 小會找到一間保全警衛公司,目前正在討論各項服務細節,簽約後就可執行保全警衛工作。The session has found a security guard company and is currently discussing the details of various services. There will be regular security after signing the contract.
- 每個主日安排值日同工,加強注意教會外面動靜。We have arranged coworkers on duty to keep watch for any movement outside the church.
- 已經聯繫Monterey Park Police Department他們會派專人解說「遭遇突發狀況時的應變方法」,等日期、時間確定後再通知大家。The Monterey Park Police Department has been contacted and they will send someone to teach us emergency responses – we will keep you updated when the date and time are confirmed.
- 這個主日結束後,我們會報告並說明教會緊急疏散出入口,請大家留步十五分鐘。After the service, the emergency evacuation entrances and exits of the church will be explained. Please stay for fifteen minutes.
- 小請兄姊繼續為鄭達志醫師的遺族以及受傷的兄姊代禱,奉獻請註明「為鄭達志醫師子女教育基金」。Brothers and sisters, please continue to pray for the bereaved family of Dr. Cheng and the injured, and please indicate “For the Education Fund of Dr. Cheng’s Children” as needed.
2. 6月11日禮拜六早上十點教會將進行夏季清潔日, 歡迎兄姊一起來環境清潔。Our church is having a summer cleaning day on June 11th (Sat) at 10am; brothers and sisters are welcome to come and help with the cleaning.
3. 6月19日主日父親節,禮拜後教會將舉辦福音餐會/園遊會,有各式台灣小吃和聖經經文抽籤的活動為每位爸爸慶祝,歡迎邀請父親和慕道友參加。有意願幫忙參與煮食和當天攤位上的幫忙,請向文凱長老報名。On Father’s Day (June 19th), the church will be hosting a lunch/garden party after the service. There will be Taiwanese food and fun activities, and fathers are welcome to participate. If you are willing to help with cooking and helping at the booths that day, please register with Elder WenKai.
4. 長執會通過為烏克蘭受俄羅斯侵略引起的戰爭來捐獻, 參與總會的特殊款項捐助, 本會愛心基金已由執事會先撥款$2000,兄弟姊妹若有意捐獻, 請開支票註明為烏克蘭奉獻, 願上帝藉著我們小的金錢來為神國成就大事。The Deacon Council has decided to donate $2,000 to the Ukraine-Russian war under TPC’s special charity fund. If brothers and sisters are willing to donate, please write a check specifying Ukraine. May God use our money to accomplish great things for His kingdom.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為教會週間網路聚會禱告 – 週三禱告會、週四早上查經團契和週五晚上QT查經。Pray for the church’s weekly online gatherings: Wednesday prayer meeting, Thursday morning Bible study, and Friday night QT Bible study.
- 為父親節教會的慶祝活動和福音事工。Pray for our Father’s Day church celebrations and evangelism.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or unable to access the online worship.