03-13-2022 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「 上帝的意思是好 God Meant It For Good 」
創世紀 Genesis 45:1-8
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 請繼續在40天的大齋節期中一起來思考「你願為主捨棄嗎?」並親身力行。Please continue to think about “What Should You Give Up for the Lent 2022” together during the 40 days of Lent and observe it.
- 3月19號星期六早上10點姊妹團契在網上舉行月例會,由梁陳慈美姊妹主理,敬請各位兄姐撥冗參加。Sisters’ Fellowship is holding its monthly meeting online on March 19th (Saturday) at 10:00am. Sister Chen will be leading, and brothers and sisters are invited to attend.
關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession
- 為新的一年教會新事工和計劃的進行,牧師長執同工合一有信心來作工。Pray for our church’s new ministries and plans for the new year, that the pastor and congregation can faithfully work together.
- 為教會週間網路聚會禱告 – 週三禱告會、週四早上查經團契和週五晚上QT查經。Pray for the church’s weekly online gatherings: Wednesday prayer meeting, Thursday morning Bible study, and Friday night QT Bible study.
- 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or use the online worship.