03-06-2022 Sunday Bulletin



Dr. Mackay’s 150th Anniversary Service

「 一粒麥子的見證 」

約翰福音 John 12:24-25

牧師 Various Pastors


消息報告 Announcements

  1. 感謝上帝的恩典,以及教會牧師、長執及兄姊的參與,特別感謝牧谷教會李牧師及小會,提供舒適的場地,順利舉行「馬偕博士宣教150週年紀念禮拜」。We thank God for His grace and for the participation of the pastors, elders, and brothers and sisters of the various churches; special thanks to Pastor Lee of Shepherd of the Valley for providing a comfortable venue to hold the Dr. Mackay’s 150th Anniversary Service.
  2. 聚會完,請各教會派代表領取餐盒,請兄姊向自己教會領取餐盒,另外大會也有準備一些瓶裝水,有需要的兄姊請自行拿取,數量有限,領完為止。After the service, please send representatives from each church to pick up lunch boxes, and brothers and sisters can pick up from their church; bottled water will be provided, please pick it up if needed.


關懷 & 代禱 Caring & Intercession

    1. 為新的一年教會新事工和計劃的進行,牧師長執同工合一有信心來作工。Pray for our church’s new ministries and plans for the new year, that the pastor and congregation can faithfully work together.
    2. 請踴躍參加禮拜三的全教會網路祈禱會,為牧師和參與的同工代禱,求上帝紀念他們每個禮拜的付出。Please actively participate in the weekly Wednesday online prayer meetings, pray for the pastor and participating coworkers, and ask God to remember their faithful dedication every week.
    3. 為身體欠安和年老無法來教會或使用網路禮拜的兄姊禱告。Pray for the brothers and sisters who are ill, unable to come to church, or use the online worship.

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