02-26-2023 Sunday Bulletin

誰能得到赦免?Who Can Be Forgiven?
(詩篇 Psalm 32)
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日舉行聖餐, 藉著餅和葡萄汁來紀念主耶穌為我們犧牲生命的偉大救贖。We observed holy communion today, and the bread and grape juice are used to remember our Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.
- 禮拜後隨即將召開春季會員大會,請會員留步參加。The spring congregational meeting will be held immediately after the service. Members are requested to stay and attend.
- 從上週三開始40天的大齋節期,讓我們預備心來與主耶穌走上十字架的路程。Lent started last Wednesday, let us prepare our hearts to walk the 40-day journey to the cross with our Lord Jesus.
- 從三月份開始,”讓全世界都知道”系列影集將在主日崇拜之後重新推出,請兄姐預留時間一同觀賞,影片之後一同午餐交誼。Beginning in March, we will be watching “That the World Know” series after the service. Brothers and sisters are requested to watch it and have lunch together after the video.
- 3月-4月教會事工和活動 March-April Events:
- 3/12 日光節約時間開始 Daylight Savings Time Begins
- 3/19 春季野外禮拜 Spring Field Service
- 4/2 棕樹節主日 Palm Sunday
- 4/7 受難日 Good Friday
- 4/9 復活節主日 Easter Sunday
- 4/15 G-Coffee 福音活動 G-Coffee Event
代禱 Intercession
- 為土耳其和敘利亞地震的救援、對需要者的安置和災後重建。Pray for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, for relief and post-disaster reconstruction.
- 請繼續為何弘吉醫師、古秀偉弟兄的身體病痛和恢復代禱。Continue to pray for Dr. Ho’s and Brother Ku’s recovery and health.
- 為今年兄弟姊妹專注在讀經、禱告和團契上追求與上帝和兄姊的關係。Pray for our brothers’ and sisters’ Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship this year while pursuing their relationship with God and one another.