02-14-2021 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 Sunday Sermon
「你們要聽祂 You Must Listen to Him」
馬可福音 Mark 9:2-9
許明遠牧師 Rev. Ming Yuan Hsu
消息報告 Announcements
- 本主日禮拜結束後,召開2021年春季和會,請兄姊參加。After this Sunday service, our 2021 spring congregational meeting will be held. Brothers and sisters are invited to attend.
- 下主日(2/21)舉行聖餐禮拜,請兄姊在家預備餅與杯(葡萄汁),預備心等候主。Communion will be held next Sunday (2/21). Please prepare bread and cups (grape juice) at home and wait for the Lord.
- 今年的大齋節期從2月17日(聖灰日Ash Wednesday) 開始,請兄姊在這四十天期間,藉由「2021 大齋節靈修指引」,思想上帝的憐憫與恩典。This year’s Lent will start on February 17 (Ash Wednesday). During these 40 days, please use the “2021 Lent Guide” to ponder upon God’s mercy and grace.
- 教育部在主日禮拜後11:00至11:30AM,邀請兄姊一起讀聖經,默想上帝的話。The Ministry of Education invites all brothers and sisters to read the Bible with others on 11:00am-11:30am after the Sunday service.