01-05-2020 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「新年心願一二三 New Year Wishes 123」
許明遠 牧師
馬太福音 Matthew 2:1-12
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 今日舉行新任長執同工就任,新任同工如下:
聖歌隊長:王灼熒 敬拜讚美:邱乙如
主日學校長:教育部 活泉團契:黃義和
姊妹團契:簡莊芳珍 葡萄樹團契 (夫婦團契):詹明玉
QT 小組:林幼麗 週二查經小組:胡純美
學青團契:李郁文 - 2020年長老服事團隊分工:
書記:邱瑜嫩 崇拜:黃義弘
傳道:蕭錫恩 財務:廖蓓理
教育:王信心 關懷:許文凱
財產管理:莊富盛 - 下午1:30召開長執會,請長執留步參加。
- 1月11日禮拜六早上10:00到下午3:30邀請邱英薰老師教授敬拜讚美課程,請參與服事的同工務必參加,也歡迎對此服事有興趣的兄姊參與,請與邱乙如姊妹報名。
- 教會月曆已經到,請在招待桌領取,每個家庭一份。
- 已登記獻花的兄姊,請將獻花每週$25註明名字放入奉獻袋中。
- 下一季服事表已經印好在招待桌上,請一戶拿一份。
1. These new co-workers will be officiated into their positions today:
Elders: Naomi Chiu, Joseph Chuang, and Eric Hsiao
Deacons: Esther Liao, Jeremy Wang, Christina Lee, Wei-Jei Tsai
Choir Captain: Peter Wang
Praise and Worship: Lulu Chiu
Sunday School Principal: Head of Education Ministry
Living Springs Fellowship: Yee-Ho Huang
Sisters Fellowship: Mrs. Jane Chan
Vine Fellowship (Couples Fellowship): Joyce Chan
QT Cell Group: Judy Lin
Tuesday Bible Study Group: Mrs. Corina Ho
Youth Fellowship: Christina Lee
2. 2020 Elders Service Divisions:
Clerk: Naomi Chiu
Worship: John Huang
Outreach: Eric Hsiao
Finance: Henry Liao
Christian Education: Julia Wang
Caring: Wen-Kai Hsu
Facility: Joseph Chuang
3. There will be an elders and deacons meeting today at 1:30pm.
4. On January 11th (Saturday), there will be a praise and worship workshop from 10am to 3:30pm. Joy Chiu has been invited to teach at the praise and worship topics. Coworkers involved in this area must attend. For those interested in attending, please register with Lulu Chiu.
5. The church calendar is available at the reception table, one per family.
6. Brothers and sisters who registered for flower dedication, please remember to pay $25 for your week.
7. First quarter service schedule is now available for pickup at the reception table, one per household. - 今日舉行新任長執同工就任,新任同工如下:
< 教會行事曆 Church Calendar >
• 1/5/2020 (主日) 新任長執同工就任 Installation for New Elders, Deacons, and Coworkers
• 1/11/2020 (週六) 敬拜讚美培訓 Praise & Worship Workshop
• 1/18/2020 (週六) 葡萄樹團契 Young Couples’ Fellowship
• 1/18/2020 (週六) 姊妹團契 Sisters’ Fellowship<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.金句 / Key Verse
你的上帝,行伊一切的道路,疼伊,盡心盡性服事耶和華—你的上帝。」“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord
your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul.”(申命記 Deuteronomy 10:12)