4-15-18 Sunday Bulletin

主日信息 / Sunday Sermon

『標竿人生 Purpose Driven Life』

 葉君勇 牧師

使徒行傳 Acts 16: 6-12

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

  1. 感謝葉君勇牧師早晨的信息, 願主祝福賴牧師身心靈,家庭,和事奉。
  2. 主日午餐後活泉團契例會,歡迎兄姐參加
  3. 禮拜二查經小組因多人出外不在, 聚會將暫停至五月。
  4. 下主日起連續兩週將邀請盧瑞祺牧師和陳靜芬牧師夫婦來本會,盧牧師帶領早上十點的成人主日學,主題:巴拿巴保羅,歡迎兄姐踴躍參加,陳靜芬牧師將在主日證道。
  5. 姐妹團契於本周六(4/21)舉行,由張孟芬姊妹演講: 做一個心好、腦好的基督徒-顧心與腦的飲食與運動。蕭素英姊妹分享,歡迎兄姐參加。
  6. 本周六(4/21)柑縣長老教會慶祝教會設教40週年,願上帝祝福祂的教會贏得更多靈魂得救。
  7. 2018暑期台灣短宣,7/2 – 6 花蓮東昌長老教會,7/9 – 13 竹北純福音教會,預算 $7,500. 請為教材準備、團員訓練、以及當地教會來代禱。
  8. TPC聯合靈修會訂於6月8日到10日三天的時間舉行,地點在Murrieta 的Calvary Chapel Conference Center,今年台語營邀請彰化旌旗教會主任牧師黃以文牧師為講師,主題是「走進世界的教會」,英語營邀請John Miller 牧師,主題是”From the Church to the World”,費用教會補助一半,只需繳交大人$80,小孩$55,5月6日前報名才有折扣,歡迎兄姐向黃義弘長老或王思穎執事報名。
  1. We thank and bless Rev. Yeh for sharing the Word of God today.
  2. Living Fountain fellowship will have a gathering after lunch.
  3. Tuesday bible study group won’t have gatherings in April due to travel sched￾ules, we will resume in May.
  4. Living Fountain fellowship will have a gathering after lunch.
  5. Women’s Fellowship will have a gathering coming Saturday.
  6. Formosan Presbyterian Church Orange County will celebrate their 40th anniver￾sary this coming Sunday.
  7. Short term mission 2018: 7/2-6 at Hualien,7/9-13 at Hsinchu; budget $7,500. Please pray for material prep, team training, and the local churches.
  8. TPC Joint Family Retreat: 6/8-6/10 at Murrieta Calvary Chapel Conference Cen￾ter. English Camp’s speaker is Pastor John Miller, “From the Church to the World”. Early bird registration due 5/6.

週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship

  • 禮拜二查經組聚會
  • 禮拜五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
  • 禮拜日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學

Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
(約翰福音John 14:6)

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