12-17-17 Sunday Bulletin
主日信息 / Sunday Sermon
『宗教改革500週年省思 Reflection on the 500th anniversary of Reformation』
黃得利 牧師
羅馬人書 Rm 3:21-31
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 待降節:本主日是待降節第三主日,點燃第三支蠟燭代表用喜樂的心宣告主耶穌的誕生。
- 聖歌隊將於12/23 8:00pm與羅省東區宣道會聯合舉行聖誕音樂會,地點在Arcadia,詳情請見公佈欄海報。
- 下主日(12/24)是聖誕節讚美禮拜,聖歌隊要獻詩「真光的錦繡Tapestry of Light」請兄姊邀請親友一起來參加,慶祝主耶穌的降生,崇拜後聖歌對和長執要前往幾位年長老兄姊和新會友家報佳音,帶給他們主耶穌降生的好消息,將上帝的愛、喜樂和平安帶給它們。
- 2018第一季服事登記表以印出在招待處,鼓勵兄姊踴躍登記。
- 成人主日學11月至12月由林長老主講「聖經語言新探討」,鼓勵兄姊參加,同蒙造就。
- 週二查經班每週二10-12pm在陳玉惠姊府上聚會。12月由李洋誌牧師帶領查經。
- 禮拜五QT今年聚會已經結束,明年再見!
- 代禱事項:為聘牧事工和聘牧委員會代禱,求主賜智慧給委員會來找尋合神心意的牧者。為宣教士:Frank Lin巴西宣教和楊一哲師母瓦邦宣教。為有病痛和年老的兄姊。為南美颶風災民,數萬人仍流離失所,家園殘破。
- Advent: The 4 Sundays represent the Lord’s incarnation, crucifixion, the fall of Jerusalem, and the return of Christ and judgement, among them the most important is the incarnation. Let’s prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord with devotion and repentance.
- 2018 Quarter 1 ministries sign-up started. Take part in serving the house of the Lord!
- The Sanctuary Choir is having a joint Christmas concert with San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church Choir on Sat., 12/23, at 8pm. Please see poster on bulletin board for detail. The concert will be presented in English. Admission is free. Child care will be provided.
- Prayer request: For pastor search and PNC, may God bestow wisdom in finding a pastor who’s after God’s own heart. For mission partners, Frank Lin in Brazil, and Linda Yang in Wa State Myanmar. Home-bound elderly and brothers and sisters in illness. For victims of hurricanes and earthquakes. Tens of thousands of people are still displaced.
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 禮拜二查經組聚會
- 禮拜五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 禮拜日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
(林前 1Cor 6:20)