11-24-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「唱一首感恩的歌 Singing A Song With Grateful Heart」
許明遠 牧師
腓立比書 Philippians 4:4-7
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 本主日感恩節讚美禮拜,將上帝賜給我們一切豐富的賞賜獻上感謝。
- 中午有感恩節火雞大餐,歡迎所有兄弟姊妹和朋友一起來感恩禮拜和特別準備的火雞大餐。特別歡迎西來大學來美留學的學生大約30位在我們當中一起來參與敬拜和感恩大餐,午餐後有特別為學生們舉辦的聯誼抽獎活動。
- 11月29-12月1日為慶祝本會設教39年將舉辦聖經特會,將邀請周宏毅牧師來本會主講「你所讀的,你明白嗎?」,周牧師擅長啟發基督徒對聖經學習的熱情,歡迎邀請朋友參加,請在後面招待桌登記。
- 12月14日禮拜六下午3點半在本會將舉辦一場聖誕音樂會,本會詩班將獻唱「看哪! 那顆星」,同時也將邀請幾個單位一起參與: 南加州台灣客家合唱團、第一台灣基督長老教會直笛詩班、羅省東區宣道會詩班,請邀請親友一起來參加。
- <教會行事曆>
• 11/23 (週六) 長執同工事工研討會
• 11/24 (主日) 感恩節讚美禮拜
• 11/29-12/1 (週五—主日) 聖經特會
• 12/14 (週六) 聖誕音樂饗宴
• 12/21 (週六) 年終長執同工感恩聚餐
• 12/22 (主日) 聖誕節讚美禮拜
• 12/26-28 (週四—週六) EM Winter Retreat
1. Today is Thanksgiving Day, and we praise and worship God for all He has done and has blessed us.
2. There is a Thanksgiving turkey meal at noon. All brothers and sisters and friends are welcome to come together for this special event. We welcome the 30 international students from the University of the West to participate in our worship, and there is a special program for the students after lunch.
3. To celebrate GSTPC’s 39th year anniversary, Rev. William Chou has been invited to give a special seminar on Bible studying “Do You Understand What You Are Reading?” on 11/29-12/1. Admission is free, all are
welcomed to attend. Please register at the reception desk in the lobby.
4. On December 14th, there will be a Christmas concert at 3:30pm in the sanctuary. Our church choir will sing “Behold! The Star” along with the Southern California Taiwan Hakka Choir, the First Taiwanese Presbyterian
Church of Pasadena’s Flute Choir, and the San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church . Please invite your family and friends to this special event!
5. < Church Calendar >
11/23 (Saturday) Leadership Training & Ministry Workshop
11/24 (Sunday) Thanksgiving Day Service
11/29-12/1 (Friday-Sunday) Bible Reading Conference
12/14 (Saturday) Christmas Music Concert
12/21 (Saturday) Year-End Appreciation Dinner
12/22 (Sunday) Christmas Worship Service
12/26-28 (Thursday-Saturday) EM Winter Retreat
1/5/2020 (Sunday) Installation for New Elders, Deacons, and
<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER>
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.
金句 / Key Verse
「凡事感謝;因為此個是上帝 (tiam) 佇基督耶穌向恁的旨意。」
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus for you.”
(帖撒羅尼迦前書 1 Thessalonians 5:18)