01-26-2025 Sunday Bulletin

新年的投資 New Year’s Investment

(路加福音 Luke 16:1-13)

林雍迪宣教師 Missionary Frank Lin

消息報告 Announcements

  1. 本主日慶祝農曆新春感恩禮拜,感謝幾位兄姊和廚房同工幫忙準備年菜,歡迎會後留步一起享用和交誼,教會準備春聯在招待桌請一戶拿一份,新年恭禧!。Happy Lunar New Year! We are celebrating with a special service this Sunday, and we would like to thank the brothers and sisters and kitchen staff for preparing the new year dishes. All are welcome to stay after the service for food and fellowship. 
  2. 1. 感謝 Frank Lin 宣教士美好信和勉勵,願上帝祝福全家在巴西的宣教。We thank our brother Frank Lin for his message of encouragement! May God continue to bless his family and missionary work in Brazil.
  3. 下主日中餐後召開小會,請現任長老留步參加。Session will have a meeting after lunch next Sunday. Elders, please attend. 
  4. 2月9日召開春季會員大會,會中將報告審查2024年度報告,請各部會同工將去年事工報告於2月2日前提交小會書記邱瑜嫩長老。Our church’s spring congregational meeting will be held on February 9th, and we will review 2024’s annual report. Each department’s leader, please submit last year’s ministry report to Elder Naomi before February 2nd. 
  5. 2月15日執事會要帶領大家一年一度大掃除,請可以幫忙的兄姊早上十點到教會一起環境清潔。We are having our annual church spring cleaning on February 15th (Saturday)! Brothers and sisters are welcome to come as early as 10am to help clean the church. 
  6. 教會目前有兩個LINE群組「好牧者關懷網」和「好牧者靈修網」,為了更有效整合教會資訊,2月1日將全新啟用 「好牧者大家庭」 新群組,舊的群組於1月31日關閉,屆時後通知新群組讓大家加入,若有任何問題或需要幫忙,可請各位在任長老協助。Our church currently has two LINE groups, but in order to more effectively integrate church information, a new LINE group “Good Shepherd Family” will be launched on February 1st. The old group will be closed on January 31st. Everyone will be notified to join the new group, and if you have any questions or need help, please ask the elders for assistance. 
  7. 教會一對不具名夫婦奉獻六台免治馬桶給教會,安裝在男女洗手間裡,請愛惜使用,願神祝福他們的愛心。An anonymous couple has donated six bidet toilets to the church, and they have been installed in the men’s and women’s restrooms. Please use them with care. May God bless their generosity and love. 

代禱 Intercession

  1. 請繼續為洛杉磯山林大火波及燒毀上萬棟房子,二十多人喪生,幾十萬人被迫離家,求上帝憐憫保守及安慰房屋財產受損和失去親人的家庭,帶領重建工作能順利進行。Please continue to pray for the LA fires, which have destroyed thousands of houses, killed more than twenty people, and forced thousands of people to evacuate. Pray for God’s mercy, protection, and comfort for all these families, and for the quick recovery and smooth reconstruction process.
  2. 為新上任的川普總統有敬畏上帝和愛人民的心,為美國的社會、政治、經濟都帶來新的氣象。Pray for the newly-elected President Trump, that he will have a heart that fears God, loves the people, and brings new changes to American society, politics, and economy.
  3. 新年度2025-2027 主題「造就門徒、世代傳承」,求上帝賜下祂的心意、異象和同心的同工一同來完成這些事工。The theme of the new year 2025-2027 is “Making Disciples and Passing on to Generations.” We ask God for His vision, heart, and coworkers to fulfill these ministries. 
  4. 求神憐憫及醫治古秀偉、王淑玲、鄧淑貞長老、藍老師、陳夏蓮長老,保守身體平安。Ask God for His healing and protection on Brother Ku, Brother Wang, Elder Teng, Teacher Lan, and Elder Chen.