1-27-19 Sunday Bulletin
今日信息 / Sunday Sermon
「做什麼, 來繼承 What must I do to inherit eternal life?」 」
蘇惠智 牧師
馬可福音 Mark 10:13-16
§ 消息報告 / Announcements §
- 主日崇拜後裝備教育的時間,提供三個課程 1) 基要真理(英語和台語); 2) 合神心意的領袖;3) 主日講道回應分享,請兄姊踴躍參加。
- 為帶給會眾更舒適的崇拜環境,教會決定要更新禮拜堂的音響設備, 服事音響的同工也無需奔跑上下樓。預計總共花費一萬五千元,請兄姊關心奉獻,預定到一月底能完成募款開始動工。
- 下主日禮拜後召開2019年春季會員大會,會中將報告2018年度事工和財務,請會員出席開會,若因事不克出席,請向小會書記李怡靚長老請假。各部、團契去年度事工報告請盡速交予小會書記。
- 歌羅西書,腓利門書研讀本聖經研習會將於2月16日在牧谷教會舉行。由彭國瑋博士 (台灣聖經公會總編輯與翻譯顧問)主理分享。詳情請參閱研習會報名表。歡迎兄姐踴躍參加,研習上帝的話語。
1. We have three equipping classes after Sunday worship for everyone to grow in the walk with the Lord—
1. Study Catechism (Eng. And TW) · 2. Leadership Essentials · 3. Sermon reflections
2. We have decided to upgrade church’s sound system to enhance worship and preaching. Estimated cost is $15,000. Our goal is to reach this fund by the end of January. Your generous support is deeply appreciated.
3. Next Sunday (2/3) after worship, we will have our Spring Congregational Meeting. All members please prepare heart to attend. And please let Elder Vickie know if you are not able to attend the meeting.
4. There will be a bible seminar on the book of Colossians and Philemon at Shepherd of Valley on 2/16. Detailed information is available at reception desk.
• 請為好牧者明年度開始調整禮拜時間、新的事工進行與行動代禱。
• 請為身體欠安、慕道、家裡有新生兒、及即將進入婚姻生活的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
週間聚會/ Weekly Fellowship
- 禮拜二查經組聚會
- 禮拜五聚會: 8 pm 小組查經 (QT Bible Study) 、少年團契 (Youth Group)
- 禮拜日聚會: 10 am 成人主日學、11 am 台語崇拜、英文團契、兒童 / 少年主日學
Direct me in the path of Your commands, for there I find delight.
(詩篇 Psalm 119:35)