5-26-19 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 / Sunday Sermon

「濫濫馬嘛有一步踢 」

賴俊明 牧師

羅馬書 Romans 12:3-8

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

  1. 聘牧委員已經推薦牧師候選人-許明遠牧師。下主日上午將邀請許牧師在禮拜中講道,禮拜結束後隨即召開臨時會員大會監選牧師,每一位會員都有權利和義務投下一票,請務必出席。
  2. 今年的TPC靈修會(6/7~6/9)將於Murrieta Hot Springs舉行,6/9 週日本
    堂沒有聚會。6/9 當天需要交通安排前往營區參加聯合聖餐禮拜的兄姊,今天請在招待桌登記,本會將協助安排,但午餐需要自理。
  3. 台灣短宣差派、父親節慶祝、及畢業生祝福將在6/16舉行。
  4. 暑期台灣短宣今年將服事花蓮東昌長老教會(6/29-7/5)以及阿里山茶山教會(7/6-7/13)。募款目標$8,500,目前奉獻離目標還差$2,166。請兄姊為此關心奉獻, 也為課程準備、隊員訓練、當地教會招生及預備心來代禱。
  5. 週二Arcadia的查經班已經恢復聚會,由蘇牧師來主理,歡迎兄姐參加。
  6. 第二季裝備課程: 1) 活潑的生命讀經分享 (台語); 2) How About Your Faith? 信仰座談(英語); 3) 信仰要理問答 (台語,英語)。
  1. PNC has already chosen a pastor candidate for GSTPC. Rev. MingYuan Hsu is invited to
    preach next Sunday and a congregational meeting to vote on the call will be held right after
    worship service.
  2. PNC has already chosen a pastor candidate for GSTPC. Rev.MingYuan Hsu is invited to preach next Sunday and a congregational meeting to vote on the call will be held right after worship service.
  3. STM send-off, father’s day celebration, and graduation blessing will be held on 6/19 Sunday
  4. Fundraise for 2019 Taiwan Short Term Mission continues. Goal is set at $8,500 with $2,166 short as last week. This year we will be going to Hualien and Alishan serving two churches.  Please continue to support the team financially and spiritually.
  5. 2nd hour equipping classes– a) Living Life QT sharing (in Taiwanese); b) How About Your
    Faith (in English). Study Catechism ( In Taiwanese and English) will continue.

<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER> 
● 請為好牧者今年六月主辦TPC聯合靈修會的籌備過程代禱。
GSTPC is hosting this year’s TPC retreat. Please pray for the planning and preparation.
● 請為2019好牧者暑期台灣短宣隊靈性上的預備代禱。
For 2019 Taiwan STM’s spiritual preparation and development of the team.
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.

金句 / Key Verse


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