9-29-2019 Sunday Bulletin

今日信息 / Sunday Sermon

「公義行佇頭前 Righteousness Should Go Before Us」

林芳仲 牧師

詩篇Psalm 85:10-13; 馬太福音Matthew 13:31-33

§ 消息報告 / Announcements §

  1. 感謝台灣基督長老教會總會總幹事林芳仲牧師的信息,願上帝祝福牧師身心靈健康、服事更有力。
  2. 牧師就任禮拜和WATCC都在昨天順利結束,許多兄姊動員來幫忙, 願上帝紀念大家的辛勞。
  3. 教會的修繕工作已經大致完成,感謝兄姊關心奉獻和代禱。
  4. 教會具有歷史性的銅鐘,經過幾位兄姊合作收集資料、製作海報和 看板,使大家瞭解銅鐘的歷史。
  5. 劉泳良執事和太太Joyce在禮拜二喜獲麟兒,願上帝祝福此家庭的新生兒: 劉尹恩。
  6. 下主日是世界共同聖餐主日,我們也會在教會與全世界的教會一起 領受聖餐,請準備心參加。
  7. 需要特別探訪及代禱的個人或家庭,請與關懷組廖長老或許牧師娘聯絡,以便安排探訪時間。
  8. 平時若有事情通知或聯絡,許牧師手機 714-276-7519,周美玲牧師娘手機 714-787-7155。
  1. Many thanks for Rev. Hong Yiong Lyim’s message today. May God bless and empower him physically and spiritually as he continues to serve God’s people.
  2. The pastor’s installation service and the WATCC conference ended successfully yesterday. May God bless all who participated and helped in the preparation and in the events.
  3. Thanks to everyone’s prayers and help, the repair work and upgrades at church has been largely completed.
  4. Several of our church’s brothers and sisters has been researching and putting together a comprehensive history of our church’s historical bell. This new sign has been placed beneath the bell.
  5. Marco and Joyce welcomed their new baby boy Ian on Tuesday! May God bless this addition to the Liu family!
  6. Next Sunday is World Communion Sunday, where we will receive the holy communion with other churches around the world. Please prepare your heart to participate.
  7. For pastoral visitations or intercessory prayer needs, please contact Elder Henry or the pastor’s wife, Mrs. Hsu.
  8. Contact information for prayers or visitations: Pastor Hsu (714) 276-7519 / Mrs. Hsu (714) 787-7155

<肢體關懷與代禱事項 CARE & PRAYER> 
● 請為身體欠安、慕道的兄姐關心代禱及鼓勵。
Please pray for those who are sick, or in need, to receive God’s comfort and strength.

金句 / Key Verse


“Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky. ”

 (詩篇 Psalm 85:10-11)